Special Guests

TOPIC: AMERICA’S BORDER CRISIS: Gunmen in Mexico fire shots at Border Control agents

TOPIC: AMERICA’S BORDER CRISIS: Gunmen in Mexico fire shots at Border Control agents


The Department of Homeland Security will begin deporting more than 15,000 Haitian migrants under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. This is meant to relieve the overflow at the Texas border and discourage other Haitians from trying to come to the US illegally.

Gunmen in Mexico recently fired shots at Border Control agents from across the river, coupled with 14,000 Haitians huddled under a Texas bridge, reinforces the desperate need to ensure America’s Hero’s safety with necessary protective gear such as bulletproof vests.

Why is the Biden administration refusing to do more with the border crisis?

“We have provided active shooter and bullet proof vests to law enforcement and border patrol in Texas. I have been with them and seen the vastness and land they are protecting – and it’s an insurmountable job. It’s time the Biden Administration does more to protect our officers and agents at the border” Michael Letts, CEO/Founder of InVest USA.

Discussion Points:

  • What is the current border crisis?
  • What concerns do Law Enforcement Officers have because of it?
  • What is InVestUSA doing to help?
  • What can the American citizens nationwide do to help or at least get more information on this life and death topic?


GUEST: Michael A Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bullet-proof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.   


CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 tamara@ohsweetliberty.com or Celinda Hawkins at cemison@gmail.com.


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