Special Guests

The Texas School Shooting That Left 19 Students and 2 Teachers Dead Should Be a Wake-Up Call For Washington To Figure Out Gun Control, Says Mark Walters 

Just ten years since the Sandy Hook shooting took place, another horrifying event took place last night in Uvalde, Texas.

An 18-year old managed to enter Robb Elementary School with a pistol and a rifle, barricading himself in a classroom and firing at everyone inside. As a result, 19 students and 2 teachers were killed, before the suspect himself was shot by police officers. (It should be noted that the suspect also killed his grandmother before proceeding to the school, bringing the victim count to 22.)

But many questions have arisen in terms of how the shooter got his hands on a modified rifle, as well as a tactical vest carrier used by tactical and SWAT teams.

Joining us now to discuss the matter is Mark Walters, who serves as a member of the board of directors for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. He hosts two talk radio programs, including Armed American Radio and Armed America Radio’s Daily Defense. He believes that politicians in Washington need to focus on a proper solution to stop mass shootings such as this.

  1. What are usually the red flags to look for when it comes to mass shooters such as this? We know the Buffalo shooter from a little while back left a detailed manifesto, but what other warning signs should police keep an eye out for?
  2. How do you think an 18-year old was able to get his hands on equipment like a tactical vest and modified rifle? What steps do you believe could be taken to prevent young people like this from purchasing it?
  3. We’ve seen all too many mass shootings this year – over 220, to be precise. Why do you think politicians aren’t making any progress when it comes to finding a solution to stopping them?
  4. What do you believe is the proper solution for stopping shootings such as this? Beefed up security? Wider open-carry rules?
  5. Some people believe that granting weapons to people isn’t the answer, but wouldn’t criminals be able to get their hands on this sort of gear anyway? This 18-year old shooter managed to get it effortlessly.
  6. Where can we learn more about the Citizens Committee for the Right To Bear Arms, as well as your radio programs?
  7. You can visit the official CCRKBA page here, and visit the official Armed American Radio website here.

About Mark Walters:

Mark Walters is a member of the board of directors for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. As a nationally syndicated host of two talk radio programs, Armed American Radio and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense, Mark is heard on hundreds of stations weekly across the country. Mark is the co-founder of Armed American News and the recipient of the 2015 “Gun Rights Defender of the Year award.” In addition, Mark Walters is co-author of three books, including Lessons from Armed America, Lessons from Unarmed America, and Grilling While Armed.

CONTACT: Gerald McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com

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