Special Guests

Texas Court Grants Permission for Abortion in ‘Special’ Case

“Navigating Life & Ethics in a Post-Roe America: An Insightful Interview w. Rev. James Harden”

We propose an exclusive interview with Rev. Jim Harden, M.Div., expert in medical ethics in women’s health and CEO of the firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. This segment aims to delve into the complex ethical and moral dimensions of the pro-life stance, especially in light of a recent court case in Texas where a woman was granted permission for an abortion due to the baby’s bleak prognosis. Contrasting this, Rev. Harden has firsthand experience with a similar case where the baby survived, offering a unique and thought-provoking perspective on this contentious issue.

Rev. Jim Harden, a dedicated pro-life advocate and leader of CompassCare, is known for his outspoken views on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy. With a family of ten children and a strong moral compass, he believes in the adage, “Money follows morality.” Harden has been vocal about perceived corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in post-Roe America. His predictions about the Dobbs decision in 2018 and the demise of the “Red Wave” in 2022 showcase his deep understanding of the political landscape.


  1. How does the Texas court case reflect the current state of abortion laws in America, and what implications does it have for pro-life advocacy?
  2. Can you share the story of who had a similar prognosis to the Texas case but whose baby survived? What does this tell us about the unpredictability of medical prognoses?
  3. In your opinion, how should medical ethics evolve to address the complexities of abortion in cases of poor fetal prognosis?
  4. What challenges does CompassCare face in providing services and support in a post-Roe America, and how are you tackling them?
  5. As someone who predicted the Dobbs decision and the political shifts in 2022, what future trends do you foresee in the pro-life movement and its impact on American politics?
  6. Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare and what your team is doing?

Answer: “They can visit our official website at CompassCareCommunity.com.”

This interview promises to offer a deep dive into the ethical, moral, and practical aspects of the pro-life movement, guided by the experienced and insightful perspective of Rev. James Harden.

CONTACT: For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Jerry McGlothlin at geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001. 

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