Special Guests

Second Amendment Under Attack In Wyoming (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why gun owners should act now before their Second Amendment rights are violated. The Gun Owners of America have done a great deal of work in Wyoming to protect the rights of gun owners, including the passing of Wyoming Statute 9-14-203 – which threatens any state or local officials with fines and potential imprisonment for violating the Second Amendment rights of potential and current gun owners. … Read more

Wyoming Senate Could Throw Second Amendment Rights Into Chaos

Gun Owners of America Stephen Willeford explains how Senator Ed Cooper’s new legislation could revoke the rights of thousands. The rights to own a firearm should provide equal protection to everyone, as stated by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. However, one Senator could throw all that out of the window in Wyoming. When the next Legislative Session takes place in mid-January, Senator Ed Cooper is set to introduce SF0037. It is a legislation that could undermine … Read more

Gun Owners of America Are Very Concerned About the Future of Wyoming’s Legislative

Spokesman Stephen Willeford discusses the big problems with the legislature, and what the group is doing to fight back. While Wyoming has a solid selection of House Conservatives, there’s some concern over what’s happening in the Senate. Bo Biteman, who serves as Senate President, and Tim Salazar, Senate Vice President, are working together alongside Majority Floor Leader Tara Nethercott to take control of the Wyoming Senate. This is concerning, especially since both Biteman and Salazar voted … Read more

Arming Wyoming School Teachers Will Provide a Much Needed Level of Protection (Guest: Sam Paredes and Stephen Willeford)

A spokesman for the Gun Owners of America explains why the Converse County School District needs to make the safety measure happen. At a time where school shootings happen on a regular basis, the discussion surrounding whether teachers should be armed continues to come up. Some believe it will provide a greater means of safety, while others believes it’s an unnecessary measure. However, it’s important – especially in certain districts. The Converse County School District … Read more

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