Special Guests

Illinois’s new SAFE-T Act is going lenient on criminals – and that’s bad news for our police officers (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in American Thinker.) I’m really trying to figure out what Illinois officials are thinking when it comes to their newly passed SAFE-T act.  SAFE-T stands for Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today, and it has a number of provisions in place that make things a little more lenient in certain areas for defendants and criminals. Here are a couple of examples. First off, defendants are no longer immediately considered flight risks, no matter what … Read more

Illinois’ SAFE-T Act Is Actually Unsafe (Guest: Michael Letts)

Law enforcement veteran Michael Letts believes that its provisions are dangerous for police officers and crime victims. Illinois’ new reform bill has just been activated, but many law officials in the state are questioning its wisdom. The bill is known as Illinois’ Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today, or SAFE-T for short. It has a number of “relaxed” rules in place. For instance, a would-be defendant can actually leave home for 48 hours without electronic monitoring … Read more

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