Special Guests

Bondi’s Bond with 2A (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

Is Trump’s Attorney General a Good Soldier or True Believer? Attorney General Pam Bondi is making headlines for pausing ATF Second Amendment cases. Many gun owners see this as part of Trump’s agenda. Bondi appears to be a “good soldier” in Trump’s efforts to protect gun rights. But is she really an ally? Stephen Willeford warns gun owners not to be fooled. Bondi’s record on gun rights tells a different story. Her past raises serious … Read more

Pam Bondi’s Affect On Gun Rights? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

The spokesman for Gun Owners of America discusses the Senate confirmation of the new Attorney General, and what affect she could possibly have on private gun owners. While many are praising Donald Trump for actions taken upon his return to the White House last month, there are some questioning particular actions. Such as, for instance, his selection of Pam Bondi as Attorney General. Bondi has begun taking action in many departments, particularly the ATF, asking for … Read more

About FACE! (Guest: Jim Harden)

New Atty General Puts Christian Hunters at DOJ in Crosshairs of Justice For years, Biden’s DOJ turned the FACE Act into a political weapon, hunting down peaceful pro-life Christians while shielding violent pro-abortion extremists. Over 500 attacks on pro-life organizations and churches since the Dobbs leak, yet only four indictments—all after congressional pressure. Meanwhile, the DOJ eagerly imprisoned 23 pro-life activists on bogus charges, making examples of them to silence dissent. Now, with Attorney General … Read more

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