Special Guests

Trump Mar-a-Lago Case: Exhibit A in Political Weaponization of the Justice System (Michael Letts)

Proposed Introduction for Host: “Joining us today is Michael Letts, founder and CEO of InVest USA, a nonprofit organization that provides bulletproof vests to police and other first responders. Michael is here to discuss the controversial Trump Mar-a-Lago case, which many view as a prime example of the political weaponization of our justice system. He will provide his perspective on the implications of this case for American justice and law enforcement. Welcome, Michael.” Suggested Interview … Read more

Handling of Mar-a-Lago Raid Breeding Distrust in Law Enforcement (Guest: Michael Letts)

Unless trust is restored, the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid may begin the “collapse” of American law enforcement, police expert Michael Letts said. Over the past few years, the FBI has acted politically often enough that many Americans now struggle to trust it, Letts said. Letts runs In-Vest USA, a non-profit that provides bulletproof vests to police departments. Without explanations, acts like the Mar-a-Lago raid create distrust between local and federal law enforcement, he said. They also create civilian … Read more

Epoch Times’ Newest Special Report Discusses What Really Went Down Behind the FBI’s Raid On Mar-a-Lago (Guest: Joshua Philipp and Joseph Hennaman of the Epoch Times)

With all the discussion going on regarding the FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort last week, the Epoch Times has revealed a new Special Report that takes a closer look behind the raid. Titled Special Report: Behind the Trump Raid, it takes a closer look at the actions of the agency, and features insight from a number of policymakers and subject matter experts. In collaboration with the NTD, Behind the Trump Raid speaks with such key figures as Devin … Read more

Raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Continues to Show How Many People in Government Are Out to “Get Him” (Guest: Epoch Times)

Following the January 6 hearings, it appears that some members of the government are moving forward with their tireless investigation into former President Donald Trump. The FBI initiated a search warrant on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, looking through presidential documents and even invading a safe of his, according to Trump. While some may be looking for further evidence from what took place on January 6, others are wondering just how legal the search was … Read more

Just How Legal Was the FBI’s Investigation Into Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Resort? (Guest: Michael Letts)

News is still making the rounds over the FBI executing a search warrant on the grounds of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago grounds, hoping to find more evidence revolving around the January 6th incident at the U.S. Capitol last year. Notes from the former President indicate that the FBI had taken Mar-a-Lago “under siege,” even going as far as to breaking into a secure safe. Even with the ongoing investigations into Trump’s legal actions, some are questioning the … Read more

The FBI Has Time To Raid Mar-A-Lago, But Can’t Resolve a Devastating Firebombing of a CompassCare Center In Buffalo? (Guest: Jim Harden)

The focus on justice can be a bizarre one. Some crimes get immediate attention, while others are left unresolved and wondering when people will find justice. In this particular case, the FBI just executed a search warrant on Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago in Florida, attempting to find key information on the actions of the former President. It appears the search was done with little proof, based on what came out of the recent January 6th testimonials. And yet, even … Read more

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