Special Guests

New York (CHINA) Times (Guest: Levi Browde)

Chinese Communists Weaponizing American Media Against Americans on American Soil Explore the story of a great American company built by a faith-based community that is now targeted by a Chinese Communist Party sinister campaign to silence and destroy it, and its all unfolding right here on U.S. soil. The New York Times has recently published a series of hit pieces accusing Shen Yun Performing Arts of exploiting young people. These articles are the centerpiece of … Read more

CHINA-merican Dream (Guest: Levi Browde)

CCP Persecutes Shen Yun Dancers Beyond China’s Borders with Help of American Media The American Dream allows for self-determination and was born outside the borders of British. Chinese culture is under attack, by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Shen Yun dance is very much part of that culture; it is banned in China. That is why the dancers display their highly disciplined and well received shows beyond China’s borders. Despite this, the CCP has … Read more

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