Special Guests

Double Homicide: Cop Charged with Murdering Pregnant Woman He Groomed when she was 15 (Guest: Randall Terry)

Case Shows it’s Ok for Women to Kill Their Own Babies but it’s Murder when Someone Else does it In Massachusetts, the state’s supreme court ruled that when a pregnant woman is murdered, it’s a double homicide. In addition to that not being consistent with the views of the pro-abortionist crowd, it’s also bad news for a police officer charged with killing a woman he allegedly groomed and had sex with when she was 15 … Read more

OLYMPIC-SIZE DISORDER (Guest: Philip Zodhiates)

Grooming Children the Obvious Goal at Opening Ceremony in Paris OLYMPIC-SIZE DISORDER Grooming Children the Obvious Goal in Paris, at Opening Ceremony At the opening ceremony of the Olympics, the agenda was clear. That agenda was about blaspheming Christianity and grooming children. The people behind it are afflicted with the basest of human perversions. The reach of the Olympics is significant. There is only one thing that can come of this type of display, says … Read more

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