Special Guests

Civil War II (Guest: Mark Biltz)

Domestic Enemies in Chicago Pro-Palestinian and Hamas protesters were arrested by the dozens at this year’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department Larry Snelling stressed that these individuals were “…a danger to our city and a danger to our citizens.” Unfortunately, this reality is not anecdotal; it is emblematic. According to Guest Mark Biltz, the United States is on the brink of inevitable war. It will be civil war only … Read more

Randall Terry Appears on Fox News Digital to Explain POTUS Nomination

Pro-Life Advocate Explains WHY he’s on the Ballot as Constitution Party Candidate – IT’S NOT TO WIN https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/news/randall-terry-brings-pro-life-message-to-2024-presidential-race/vi-AA1paSXD?ocid=socialshare&t=20 Randall Terry on destroying the Democratic Party: ‘I’m running to be margin of defeat … in the swing states’ | Fox Newshttps://www.foxnews.com/politics/randall-terry-destroying-democratic-party-im-running-margin-defeat-swing-states?msockid=15166aaab7cc60d63ca47e61b65c6192

Pro-Life Champion CONFRONTS Planned Parenthood “Doctor” at DNC Mobile Unit (Guest: Randall Terry)

Armed with a Bullhorn and a Kamala Harris ‘Baby Killer’ Sign, Randall Terry Tells Mobile Unit Physician she’s MURDERING BLACK BABIES Pro-Life Champion Randall Terry stood in front of the Planned Parenthood mobile unit at the DNC and got in the face of the “doctor” on-duty, Colleen McNicholas. After he looked McNicholas in the eye and advised her in no uncertain terms that she is murdering black babies per the wishes of RACIST Margaret Sanger, … Read more

Hamas Aligns with LGBTQ at DNC (Guest: David Rubin)

People Should Not Try to Make Sense out of Protests that Make No Sense When it comes to Hamas, the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, hatred of homosexuals and transgenders is well known. Yet, when it comes to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Hamas will be joining the LGBTQ movement in a common cause. Both are apparently seeking the extermination of the Jews, as one side (LGBTQ) appears oblivious to the fact it’s … Read more

Murder and Sterilize FREE, at the DNC! (Guest: Randall Terry)

Pro-Life Champion will be Counter-Protesting Planned Parenthood At this year’s Democrat National Convention (DNC), Planned Parenthood will be on-hand with a Mobile Unit to administer free abortions and free vasectomies. Randall Terry, pro-life activist and founder of Operation Rescue will be spearheading counter-protests in front of the Mobile Unit, which will be in the West Loop with @ChiAbortionFund & @TheWiernerCircle on August 19 and 20. The free abortions and vasectomies provide a rather demonic twist … Read more

DNC Platform: Kidnapping, Torture, and Child Trafficking (Guest: Randall Terry)

Explosive Ad Highlights Horrors of Democrat Ticket Randall Terry, pro-life activist and founder of Operation Rescue has released an extremely powerful, explosive, and hard-hitting, one-minute ad. The ad focuses on Walz’s time as Governor of Minnesota and shines the spotlight of reality onto the Kamala Harris / Tim Walz ticket, less than a week before the Democratic National Convention begins in Chicago. Listen for yourself! https://on.soundcloud.com/bHLh5gYq4GocPVzf8 Terry has an incredibly unique and bold strategy. It … Read more

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