Special Guests

19th Century Novelist Predicts Trump Win (Guest: Troy Anderson)

“Anarchists and Socialists” Chant “Death to the Rich Man” Outside Trump Castle In The Trump Code, Troy Anderson uncovers a startling historical connection that reveals how a late 19th-century novel eerily anticipated the rise of Donald Trump and the intense political climate of today. Anderson’s riveting book delves into the extraordinary parallels between contemporary politics and the works of Ingersoll Lockwood, particularly his novel The Last President, which seems to have predicted not only Trump’s … Read more

The Trump Code: Exploring Time Travel, Nikola Tesla, the Trump Lineage, and America’s Future (Guest: Troy Anderson)

Interview Opportunity with author Troy Anderson Proposed Introduction for Host: “Joining us today is Troy Anderson, the insightful author of ‘The Trump Code.’ This fascinating book dives deep into the connections between an old book from the 1890s by Ingersoll Lockwood and the current political climate in America. Anderson explores the uncanny similarities between the novels written by Lockwood and the Trump family legacy well over 100 years ago. Lockwood’s book series, ‘The Baron Trump … Read more

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