Special Guests

Alabama Birthday Party Deadly Shooting Demonstrates importance of Constitutional-Carry Laws to Keep People Protected (Guest: Second Amendment)

A tragic shooting took place in Alabama, with four dead and multiple others wounded. Liberal media pundits are now crying out for more gun control. But what if rather than grabbing other people’s guns, we were to grab guns to protect ourselves, families and neighbors? Think about it. There are more than 100 million firearms owned by private citizens today, and rarely do we hear of law-abiding citizens going around killing people. Our guest today … Read more

Alabama Becomes the 25th State To Allow For Concealed-Carry Without a License (Guest: Second Amendment Foundation)

A Second Amendment Foundation representative explains why this is a huge move forward for protection. As the new year began, a noteworthy state joined the list of others that now allow for concealed-carry of firearms without a license. Alabama passed the law, which went into effect on January 1st, making it the 25thstate in the U.S. to do so. This is a sweeping change for concealed-carry, considering that only two states allowed for it back … Read more

25 States Have Now Legislated Constitutional-Carry (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

Gun Owners of America spokesman Stephen Willeford explains why Alabama’s latest law is a triumph. As 2023 began, so too did a new precedent for states allowing Constitutional-Carry, enabling private citizens to conceal-carry firearms without a license. Business Insider revealed that Alabama has become the latest state to allow citizens to carry handguns without permits, making it the 25th state to do so. Many states have passed this law in an effort to thwart “active shooter” events, which … Read more

Police Thwart Potential Mass School Shooting in Alabama (Guest: Michael Letts)

In the face of people still questioning the response time of the police officers in the Uvalde shooting, Alabama’s department has reacted quickly to keep a deadly situation of their own from unfolding. Earlier this week, a man attempted to break into an Alabama elementary school. Someone notified the police, and a local sheriff went to confront the 32-year old man. After getting into a physical altercation with him, several other officers arrived, resulting in … Read more

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