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States Are Continuing To Challenge the Supreme Court’s Gun Decision – But Why? (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

Gun Owners of America spokesman Stephen Willeford discusses why some states aren’t giving up when it comes to gun control – even as the Second Amendment works against them.

Just over a year ago, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision in favor of the rights of private gun owners, doing away with a controversial New York gun law that limited the ability to Concealed-Carry outside of the home. This has trickled down to take effect in other states as well – but they’ve since come back with a number of attempts at new restrictions.

Shortly after the law was removed, New York tried again with a different approach, restricting Concealed-Carry in certain “public” locations, including movie theaters and schools. Many are arguing the unfairness of the law, especially private gun owners that feel they have the right to bear arms – especially given today’s rising numbers in “active shooter” events.

Other states are trying to apply their own restrictions as well, with some even going as far as to completely ban certain types of weapons – only to be blackballed by the Second Amendment, which clearly protects those that wish to arm themselves.

So why do states even try? Do they believe that stopping the use of said weapons will slow down the “active shooter” violence? Are they not considering other options that could be on the table – such as the effectiveness of Constitutional-Carry?

Joining us now to talk further about this victory is Stephen Willeford, the spokesman for Gun Owners of America. You may recall in 2017 how he stopped the Sutherland Springs, Texas mass shooting, acting as the “good guy with a gun.” His expertise is welcome in this matter.


  1. First off, how important do you think last year’s striking down of the New York gun law was to private gun owners, including yourself? Did it prove to be a huge win for the Second Amendment?
  2. Why do you think states tried to apply certain gun laws since that point? Are they concerned with the growing violence in the United States, or is it something else?
  3. Some states seem to be going too far with these laws, only to see them knocked down by the Second Amendment. Why do you believe some lawmakers don’t take that into account?
  4. You’ve been discussing the importance of Concealed-Carry, or Constitutional-Carry as some call it, for some time. You believe it is a viable solution to “active shooter” events, with private citizens being able to respond in their own matter. Why do you believe this solution is so effective, and why do you think more people don’t take it into consideration?
  5. You recently wrote a book called A Town Called Sutherland Springs: Faith and Heroism Through Tragedy, revolving around your 2017 “hero with a gun” situation. Tell us more about how you put it together.
  6. Where can people find your book?

You can purchase the book here on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle format.

  1. Where can we learn more about you, as well as Gun Owners of America?

My official website is http://www.stephenwilleford.com. You can read more about Gun Owners of America at https://www.gunowners.org/.  

About Stephen Willeford…

Stephen represents Gun Owners of America and is known around the country as the “good guy with the gun” for helping stop the largest Texas mass shooting in the history of the state in 2017. He is available to speak about all 2nd Amendment issues, as well as the importance of Gun Owners of America. You can read more about him at http://www.stephenwilleford.com.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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