Special Guests

Senator Joe Manchin Must Keep His Promise to the American People

Attorney Mike Hammond is available to interview by phone (Eastern Time)

Gun Owners of America is encouraging American voters to remind Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) of the promise he made to the American people not too long ago.

In November 2020, Sen. Manchin told Fox News and the American people that he would vote no to packing the courts and ending the filibuster. Here to discuss the importance of this issue is Attorney Mike Hammond for Gun Owners of America.


  1. Why is Sen. Manchin in the spotlight and what does it mean for America?

Currently, the future of the country is resting on whether Senator Joe Manchin keeps his word and votes against any effort to modify or eliminate the legislative filibuster. The reason that we have been so successful in defeating gun control over the past decade is because of the Senate filibuster. But now, Democrats are threatening to nix it.

  1. What might Americans expect to see in the near future?

In an apocalyptic environment where the filibuster has been eradicated, Americans could expect to see a Democrat Congress ramming through gun bans, gun owner registration and more. And to make sure that everything they do is ruled “legal,” anti-gun Democrats have threatened to pack the U.S. Supreme Court.

  1. What is GOA doing in response and how can citizens stand up for their rights?

GOA issued a West Virginia alert today [EP1] which points out that if Schumer promises Manchin a key committee chairmanship or financial support for his next election in exchange for his promise to kill the filibuster, Manchin could be swayed.

This is why it’s imperative that Manchin hears from voters. People are going to have to remind him regularly and often that they will be closely watching what he does.

The preservation of our gun rights could depend on whether people take action and contact Sen Manchin.

4. Where can people go to learn more about the GOA?

Visit the Gun Owners of America website at https://gunowners.org/

About Michael Hammond

Michael E. Hammond is the Legislative Counsel for Gun Owners of America.  Having spent the better part of his career in government service, he has been a legislative counsel to Senators Bob Smith (R-NH), Gordon Humphrey (R-NH), Jesse Helms (R-NC), and Steve Symms (R-ID).  He has served as Special Assistant and Legislative Assistant to Senator Harry Byrd (I-VA) and Senator James Buckley (R-NY), respectively.  In 1980, Mr. Hammond was a member of the Department of Education Transition Team and the Department of Justice Transition Team.  From 1977 to 1989, Michael served as General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Steering Committee.  Mr. Hammond received his B.A. magna cum laude from Washington University and his J.D. from the New York University School of Law.  

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin by email at: jerry@specialguests.com or call: 919-437-0001.

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