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San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Mocks Conservative Parents: “We Will Convert Your Children!”

San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Mocks Conservative Parents: “We Will Convert Your Children!”

Interview opportunity with Joe Dallas

In case you haven’t heard, tensions between the LGTBQ population and conservatives just rose a few notches.

This week the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released a video titled “We Will Convert Your Children” in which smiling gay men sang, “You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.”

Though representatives of the chorus are defending the video as a satirical comment on bigotry, the actual lyrics being sung sound more ominous than humorous to many:

“We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.”

While most conservatives holding a traditional view of marriage and sexuality take a “live and let live” approach to LGBTQ, the threat to usurp parental influence and convert children to a different world view is another matter.

And so the clash escalates. LGBTQ advocates believe Americans need to be converted to a gay-affirming viewpoint. Social and religious conservatives see the LGBTQ movement as coercive and indifferent to freedom of speech and parental rights.

How, then, is a conservative to express his view without being seen as hateful and ignorant? Have we reached the point at which a respectful dialogue is impossible?

Joe Dallas doesn’t think so. Dallas is a Pastoral Counselor, Speaker, and the author of the new book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture.”

Conversation Questions:

1. Why do you think the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus put this video out?

2. What sort of fears did this provoke in parents? Are those fears justified?

3. Why should the average citizen care about this issue?

4. How does your book, “Christians in a Cancel Culture,” equip readers to better understand and discuss this issue?

5. What do you think the long term goals of the LGBTQ movement really are?

Reference article: https://www.foxnews.com/us/gay-choir-your-children

GUEST BIO: Joe Dallas is an author, conference speakers, and pastoral counselor with expertise and training in Biblical counseling and coaching related to Christianity and human sexuality. He is a sought-after speaker featured in a variety of media outlets, including ABC News, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, and Christianity Today, among others. Visit Joe’s complete bio here at joedallas.com.

AVAILABILITY: Immediate, located in Pacific Time.

MEDIA CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins (432) 349-2736 or jerry.specialguests@gmail.com

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