Special Guests

Rittenhouse vs. Arbery cases: Why different treatment by Media? Guest: Michael Letts


Our guest is Michael Letts, who holds nothing back with his appraisal of the Rittenhouse trial. He said, “Two trials with opposite coverage and commentary. One of a young white male killing two white male criminals, wounding a third white male criminal while defending his life and property from thugs. The other trial was about three older white males killing a 25-year-old black man going through a neighborhood that they perceived he was casing/ with purported breaking and entry and theft. One fits a narrative and objective; the other does not.”


Wow! Defending his statement is Michael Letts, who is both a police officer and a firefighter.




1.) Why would media and BLM/ANTIFA care so strongly about the Rittenhouse Case?

  1. The Rittenhouse case threatens their objective of allowing lawlessness and chaos to reign, scaring the public into compliance with a much more highly controlled society. Their message is that those who stand against it will pay a terrible price.


2.) We hear a lot about the Rittenhouse case but well us about the Arbery Case. How does it demonstrate the primary objective of what you call a radical leftist/Marxist regime?

     A.) BLM/ANTIFA are seeking control over a free society through intimidation. Intimidating self-defense so people won’t resist government and gun control. This is far more important to them than their claim to protect black lives.


3.)How does this affect the local and state law enforcement communities?

     A.) Being placed in a position where you are not backed by the government but blamed for the results further erodes and destroys our law enforcement officers and their morale


4) You have stated, “Nothing destroys the morale and effectiveness of local/ state law enforcement as a two-tiered justice system. If you destroy law enforcement, you destroy freedom and have conquered the nation.” Tell us about that.


5.) What can InVest USA do to support and protect the thin blue line?


6.) Are there things the communities can do as a whole to restore unity in America, and where may we find your website to learn more and to help?

A. InvestUSA.org


Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. Editor: Jerry


CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins of Special Guests at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or call: (432) 349-2736, or contact Samantha Mao at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com


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