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Don’t take the bait of activists itching for riots to break out over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict Commentary

By Michael Letts

The Kyle Rittenhouse case should concern all of US. All Americans, regardless of if we think young Kyle was guilty or innocent. We need to pull back the curtain to see the underlying policies and procedures that should be a wake-up call to catapult US into peaceful action.

Nearly a quarter millennium ago, the land of the free and the home of the brave emerged to become a beacon of hope and freedom.

As decades passed, we broke free from the tyrant king who denied US the right to vote yet expected us to pay our ‘fair share’ of taxes.

The battle cries were: Taxation without representation. Tyranny! Don’t tread on me. So the people rose to form The United States of America, a Republic, a magnet, for people worldwide who wanted to be part of a nation that offered an opportunity and freedom from tyranny.

There was no welfare or other fancy enticements offered, just an opportunity to work and keep the bulk of the work of our hands.

Over the years, things changed. Politicians learned that they could buy the vote of the people by offering free stuff. That led to higher stakes to pay for that pork.

Today both sides of the aisle have taken that system to all-time lows, offering handouts not in the thousands or millions or even billions, but in the trillions. That is unsustainable, but who cares as long as they keep getting ‘free’ stuff.

As politicians converted workers into takers, there still were those hardworking freedom-loving patriots who stood up to petty politicians who bought their way to power—with other people’s money. Those patriots were an irritant at best, an impediment at worst, to our modern tyrant overlords who think they are entitled to control every aspect of our lives, simply because they give us a pittance of money we paid in taxes back in the form of free stuff.

Please make no mistake about it. These evil tyrants seek to enslave people and nations for their statistical purposes.

The leftist, liberal, socialist, Marxists have been scheming to destroy US from within as there is no nation able to do so from without. Thus to accomplish their objective, they must eliminate their biggest impediment….local and state law enforcement. 

So, what does this have to do with the impending Kyle Rittenhouse verdict? Simple. These modern-day tyrants have been positioning for years to exploit such ‘tools’ as the Rittenhouse verdict. Why? If there’s chaos on the streets, they think we will ‘need’ them. Tyrannical politicians fleece the sheep and give back a pittance, to ‘addict’ us to government, to them. Then, after working us to the bone, to give away our money to nonworkers.  Oh, except for one thing. The nonworkers are expected to work—and riot if necessary—for their political overlords.  

Only one problem with unleashing a rent-a-riot squad to steer political opinion: The pesky police.

So, who to get rid of them? Defund them, of course! Demonize them. Do whatever is necessary to do away with the competition. It began with the Obama administration suggesting that law enforcement officers are racist thugs. That led to the creation of BLM, which in any prior era could have been deemed a domestic terrorist organization. Riots, looting, bloodshed, and violence were what some astute observers considered an executed plan of action following the George Floyd case. Some opportunistic politicians assisted the cause by intervening, demanding law enforcement stand down. Some did, fueling the fire for such shameful behavior to go on unchecked and unpunished. Each tyrant politician involved in the ordered stand down should be criminally charged with obstruction of justice. The heads of the law enforcement agencies should resign for dereliction of duty, for they ignored their swore oath to uphold the law and defend their citizens. Had the leftist, liberal, socialist-minded tyrants had not been given free rein year after year, there would have been no need for a riot over a young man trying to defend his property.

So how will this story end? Will we bite the bait dangled by tyrant thugs who want blood running in the streets? Will we beg them to mop it up and kiss their kiss their rings afterward to formalize our serfdom? Or will we take back our country and restore it to the land of the free and home of the brave? It is our choice. Today we write tomorrow’s history. Will our future be one of tyranny or freedom?

Instead of taking the riot bait, let’s take to the streets to thank a law enforcement officer or another first responder. Let them know you value and appreciate them. Remember that they have wives who want to see them get home alive at night. And their children don’t need to hear other kids at school demonizing their moms and dads in blue. So instead, let’s oust the actual demons who race-bait and attempt to divide and conquer US.   

CONTACT:Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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