Special Guests

Rising Antisemitism: Rise of the Dragon, the Ancient Foe of Israel (Guest: Jonathan Cahn)

Interview Opportunity with Jonathan Cahn, Bestselling Author of “The Dragon’s Prophecy”

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Jonathan Cahn, one of the bestselling religious authors of the past century, known for his profound insights into biblical prophecies and current events. His latest book, ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days,’ delves into the spiritual battles and prophetic significance of Israel. Today, we will discuss the recent surge in antisemitic incidents, including the troubling attack on a synagogue in Los Angeles. Welcome, Jonathan.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

Jonathan, can you share your thoughts on the recent attack on the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles and what it signifies about the current state of antisemitism in the world?

While Biden went through the motions of condemning the acts of violence in the Los Angeles synagogue, why do you think Joe Biden did not call for the punishment of the violent antisemitic terrorists?

Given the historical and prophetic significance of Israel, why do you believe these antisemitic attacks are becoming more frequent, and what should be the response of the global community?

In your book, ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy,’ you talk about the spiritual battles surrounding Israel. Can you explain how current events align with the prophecies you’ve written about?

How do you see the recent events in Dagestan, Russia, where churches and synagogues were attacked, fitting into the broader picture of global religious tensions and prophecy?

Your book discusses the persistent battle between good and evil, particularly targeting Israel and the Jewish people. Can you elaborate on this theme and its relevance today?

Considering the rise in antisemitic attacks, what steps can faith communities take to support and protect each other, fostering unity against such hatred?

In light of the attacks in Dagestan and other regions, how should we understand the role of Israel in these prophetic times?

What message do you hope readers take away from ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy’ regarding the importance of Israel and the Jewish people in God’s plan?

As an author who has captured the attention of millions, what do you believe is the most important aspect of your work that resonates with your readers concerning these prophetic and current events?

How do you interpret the increasing hostility towards Israel and Jews as it relates to interfaith relations today and how is this similar to religious clashes over the ages?

Where may we get a copy of your book, ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy’?

Jonathan Cahn is one of the bestselling religious authors of the past century. Ever since his first book, “The Harbinger,” all his books have made the New York Times bestseller list. His newest book is titled, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.”

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001  jerry@specialguests.com

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