Special Guests

Recent Houthi Rebel Attacks and Middle East Tensions (Guest: Former Mayor of Shiloh David Rubin)

Guest Bio: David Rubin, the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, is not only a recognized expert on Middle East affairs but also a prolific author and a significant figure in humanitarian efforts. He has authored seven books, including the critically acclaimed “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel,” which has been recently adapted into a movie. Rubin’s personal experience with terrorism, having survived an attack with his young son, led him to establish the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, dedicated to healing the trauma of child victims of terrorist acts.

Discussion Points:

1.         Analysis of the Houthi Rebels’ Actions: Insights into the Houthi rebels’ motives and strategies behind the recent missile attacks.

2.         Regional Impact: Examining the impact of these events on global shipping and the strategic Suez Canal corridor.

3.         Israel’s Perspective: Exploring the relationship between these developments and the Israeli-Hamas conflict, from Rubin’s informed Israeli standpoint.

4.         U.S. and International Response: Assessing the U.S. military’s stance on the strike and potential global reactions.

Why David Rubin?

•          Expertise and Experience: Rubin’s extensive experience in Middle Eastern politics and his personal history in dealing with terrorism provide a rich background for insightful commentary.

•          Authoritative Voice: His success as an author, including his latest work now adapted into a film, underlines his ability to communicate complex issues effectively.

•          Humanitarian Angle: Founder of a fund for terror victims, Rubin offers a compassionate perspective on the human impact of regional conflicts.

Contact: Gerald McGlothlin at geraldmcg@outlook.com or Abel Petty of Special Guests 828-593-6579 pettyboi86@gmail.com

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