Special Guests

Portland police stand down as Rioters inflict $500,000 in Damages in Political Correctness run Amuck! – Guest: Michael Letts

Interview pitch:

Portland police stand down as Rioters inflict $500,000 in Damages in Political Correctness run Amuck!

Suggested host intro: Normally, when rioters attempt to burn down a city or throw bricks through windows of businesses, police are called, they break up the riot, arrests are made, and peace resumes.

Not anymore. Due to recent laws passed by woke ‘progressive’ politicians in Portland, police could not do anything to stop the free expression of rioters tearing apart Portland earlier this month—other than using loudspeakers asking that the rioters to stop.

Joining us to help make sense of the senseless is Michael Letts, founder of InVest USA, a charitable organization that donates bulletproof vests to police and other first responders.


  1. How many rioters tore through downtown Portland earlier this month, how much damage did it cause, and were any arrests made?

Answer: Roughly 100 Rioters, Approximately over $500,000 in damages, no arrest to date.

  1. Why would Police Officers stand down when there is rioting and looting underway?

Answer: Because they have very little support from politicians. In this case, legislation passed limiting what tools and resources officers can use in performing their duty….concerned officers would be prosecuted or sued.

3) What message does this send to communities and citizens?

Answer: Criminals are not held accountable for their actions. 

  1. What can communities and citizens do to help stem this behavior across the country?

Answer: Unite to support our First responders…..America’s Hero’s. 

5.) What can your charitable organization InVest USA do to support officers in situations like these?

Answer: We donate bulletproof vests since only 8% of police have vests provided for them by their departments.

6.) What role does government play in these illegal activities?

Answer: Unfortunately, a  harmful one currently.

7.) Where may we get more info on InVest USA and help support your efforts?

Answer: www.InvestUSA.org

Michael Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.

CONTACT: Celinda Hawkins (432) 349-2736 cemison@gmail.com

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