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Over 100 Democrats Are Trying To Rush Speaker Kevin McCarthy Into a Gun Violence Prevention Vote (Guest: Stephen Willeford)

Gun Owners of America spokesman Stephen Willeford speaks on the actions of the Democrats – and why they aren’t looking at a more viable solution.

Once again, demands are being made by high-end Democrats to get gun violence prevention on the board. And once again, the rights of private gun owners are in the crosshairs.

According to a report from The Hill, over 100 Democrats are pressuring Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy to put together votes on gun violence prevention legislation. They wrote a letter asking him to bring such measures to the floor “as soon as possible.”

These Democrats also demanded a “new standing request” regarding changed votes, saying they would fill the time by considering gun violence prevention legislation instead of scrapping votes. They hope that this will do away with disagreements and instead move them closer to passing the laws necessary to stop gun violence.

But how much of a solution would this be for the owners of guns? We’ve seen bills passed in states in the past where their rights ended up being restricted, particular those that practice Concealed-Carry (or Constitutional-Carry, as some put it). And even with the Second Amendment by their side, these Democrats are doing whatever it takes to pass their over-the-top gun laws.

Joining us now to discuss this further is Stephen Willeford, a spokesman for the Gun Owners of America. You may recall that Willeford was the “hero with a gun” back in the 2017 Sutherland Springs incident, and he recently co-wrote a book on the subject. His expertise will certainly prove useful in this matter.


  1. What is compelling these Democrats to pass their measures to decrease gun violence? Are they simply trying to align themselves good with President Biden and his administration? Or do they have another agenda?
  2. What should Kevin McCarthy do in the face of this letter that the Democrats have presented? Should he press on business as usual, or tell them off over the protection that the Second Amendment provides?
  3. President Biden and his administration have been on the attack over guns over the past few months, even calling for a potential ban on “assault weapons,” as he managed to institute years prior. Do you believe the Democrats are pushing their proposed laws in an effort to help him pass his?
  4. For the longest time, you’ve discussed the effectiveness of Constitutional-Carry, or Concealed-Carry as some put it. Why don’t Democrats see the benefit of this? Do you think they’re concerned by the idea of “more guns on the street”?
  5. We also hear that the FBI is hiding statistics on just how effective Constitutional-Carry is. Do you believe this is due to the Biden administration playing a part?
  6. You recently wrote a book called A Town Called Sutherland Springs: Faith and Heroism Through Tragedy, revolving around your 2017 “hero with a gun” situation. Tell us more about how you put it together.
  7. Where can people find your book?
    1. You can purchase the book here on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle format.
  8. Where can we learn more about you, as well as Gun Owners of America?
    1. My official website is http://www.stephenwilleford.com. You can read more about Gun Owners of America at https://www.gunowners.org/.  

About Stephen Willeford…

Stephen represents Gun Owners of America and is known around the country as the “good guy with the gun” for helping stop the largest Texas mass shooting in the history of the state in 2017. He is available to speak about all 2nd Amendment issues, as well as the importance of Gun Owners of America. You can read more about him at http://www.stephenwilleford.com.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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