Special Guests

New Pitch: Sports Medicine and improving performance and avoid injuring


Pitch: What is new in sports medicine and how can athletes improve performance, prevent injuries, and avoid burnout?


Dr. Dan question: What is the latest update with sports medicine particularly in the youth?


Dr. Dan answer: We are seeing a great deal of injuries especially in teenagers particularly with ACL tear injuries. The youth are very active in competitive sports at an early age and are often overusing their muscles which is leading to serious injuries and burnout.


Dr. Dan question: How do we prevent injuries and improve performance?


Dr. Dan answer: Working on biomechanics is one of the keys along with proper diet, stretching, and nutrition.


Dr. Dan question: How do we prevent sports burnout in the youth?


Dr. Dan answer:  Get your kids involved in a variety of sports and keep them active. Pick a few sports your kids are really gifted in rather than play on a competitive team in every single sport. Kids like adults need breaks to so ensure your providing your kids adequate breaks


Dr. Dan question: It is recommended that kids should not play football, do you agree with that?


Dr. Dan answer: Football is a great sport but it does come with some risks particularly around concussions and head trauma. Your kids should not start playing tackle football until later in middle school or even early high school to prevent head injuries.


Dr. Dan question: What is CTE and what is the latest with CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy research)?


Dr. Dan answer: We have seen in the past with the NFL many football players suffer from CTE.  This is brain degeneration caused by repeated head trauma. The latest research is collection of the blood samples to see if there are blood biomarkers that come from the brain. It will be interesting to see how these biochemical signals look like when studying brain health.


Dr. Dan question: As a medical futurist, what do you predict needs to happen to keep kids and professional athletes safe with football?


Dr. Dan answer: More advances in helmet and equipment technology will help along with more education to parents about kid safety, and with professional athletes more education and training around CTE would help.

About Dr. Dan O’Brien: 

Dr. Dan is host of the radio show, “Dr. Dan Medical Futurist” with helpful health information for both ‘the here and now’ and the future. 

Dr. Dan has specialized knowledge in telemedicine, digital health, robotic technology, gene editing, augmented reality, software technology and A.I.

A physician and professor with a passion for innovative healthcare technologies and public health, Dr. Dan is a popular medical expert with appearances on national Talk Shows including ABC, NBC, CBS, Sinclair Broadcasting, Scripts News, Fox News, and Fox Television.

Dr. Dan understands the need to improve quality of care, cost, and access in healthcare. As a Chief Medical Officer for multiple healthcare startups and an award-winning scientific and academic leader, Dr. Dan brings substantial experience in public health and healthcare management. 

An award-winning scientific and academic leader, Dr. Dan has worked with several biotech and pharmaceutical companies on increasing awareness, education, and research in many diagnostic and therapeutic fields, including in the biotechnology industry. 

MEDIA CONTACTS: Celinda Hawkins at cemison@gmail.com or 432-349-2736 or Samantha Mao at samanthaspecialguests@gmail.com or Jerry McGolthlin at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com


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