Special Guests

Michael Peroutka Explains What’s Motivating His Run For Attorney General In Maryland (Guest: Michael Peroutka)

As we head into election season, many people are already beginning their runs for vital seats in their state governments. That includes Michael Peroutka, who is currently beginning his run for the seat of Attorney General in the state of Maryland. That said, there are some things that make Peroutka stand out from the usual politician running for a higher seat.

Perhaps the most notable thing is that Peroutka himself is not a politician. 25 years ago, he actually put together The Institute for the Constitution, gaining strong understanding behind the importance of the American document. He uses that teaching to help people gain a better understanding about it, and even has a website, TheAmericanView.com, devoted to the Institute.

In addition, Michael Peroutka is also devoted to his community and the people surrounding it. He sees himself as a devoted leader of the people, having served as the chairman for the County Council and ran for President on the Constitution Party ticket. He also held his own makeshift church on his farm in the midst of the COVID pandemic, using his Christian beliefs to help others.

With this way of thinking, Peroutka believes he would be an ideal Attorney General for a state that he believes has become troubled. He joins us now to talk about his historic run and how he believes his experience makes him a vital fit for the role.


  1. What do you believe you can do as Attorney General that other Maryland public officials haven’t been able to do over the past two years?
  2. I’ve drawn up articles of impeachment against Governor Hogan for violating his oath of office across a number of topics, including the entire pandemic, shutdowns, lockdowns – anything relating to COVID. All of it was simply unlawful and a blow against the American people. When not a single delegate upheld their oath of office and did it, I did.
  3. Tell us about your beliefs in the constitution and why you spend so much time traveling the country teaching people about it.
  4. Well, it’s both the U.S. Constitution and the Maryland Constitution. I don’t just casually refer to it – I quote it, I live it, I teach it. It is easy to defend it when you know everything about it, inside and out, upside down and backwards. People have been fooled for so long in thinking that certain “laws” are legal that they don’t even realize that they are not. With this knowledge, I believe that other Attorney Generals could easily seek my guidance, in an effort to remind others just how vital it is – especially now.
  5. What difference do you believe you will make as Attorney General for the state of Maryland, and how can this affect the state’s National Level?
    1. The Federal Government is the result of an agreement between the states in the name of self-protection. As Attorney General of Maryland, I swear an oath to the U.S. Constitution and the Maryland Constitution. For instance, the illegals crossing our border is an invasion, a purposeful act of war against our country. The Federal Government is using the law to break the law, plain and simple. The federal officers swore an oath to defend our borders, but they are not upholding that oath. That said, we don’t simply need to stand by and do nothing, as the Attorney General of the State can step up and stop this invasion.
  6. Maryland is such a small state. Why do you believe serving in the office of Attorney General for it is vital to the United States?
    1. Maryland’s proximity to Washington D.C. makes it extremely important when it comes to uncovering the fraud surrounding the fake pandemic of the past several years. If funding of gain of function research took place in any way in Maryland, where the NIH (National Institute of Health) is located, those persons involved need to be investigated. And, if found guilty, they should be prosecuted as well. Entire task forces would be established by the Attorney General of MD to investigate these and many other atrocities such as trafficking and election fraud.
  7. Obviously the Attorney General of Maryland would be able to do great things for the state. But what could you do about crime or inflation in other parts of the country?
    1. The crime is being perpetrated straight from the top. You can’t resolve it on the streets from a lower level if it is being executed from the very top of the government. This is on both a local and national scale. Until the officials who are violating our rights are investigated and brought to justice, crime simply won’t stop. It will continue as long as those troublesome lawmakers, officials and judges are still in place.
  8. (optional question) What would you say to someone that explained how real COVID-19 was, and the thousands of people it killed over the past couple of years?
  9. How can someone learn more about you and your knowledge of the Constitution, and assist you with getting elected?
    1. Interested parties can visit our website at Patriots4Peroutka.com. There they can donate, watch videos and proceed in spreading our message to others. Those interested in having me on their show can reach out to Macky Stafford, our Campaign Coordinator, at 410-336-9894, or by email at Macky@Patriots4Peroutka.com.

About Michael Peroutka:

Michael Anthony Peroutka is a former Anne Arundel County Councilman.  Elected in 2014, he represented District Five and was elected Council Chairman in 2018. Michael graduated from Loyola College (now University) in Maryland in 1974 with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration.  In 1981, he graduated from the University of Baltimore, School of Law. In 2004, Michael Anthony Peroutka was the Constitution Party’s candidate for President of the United States of America.  He ran on a platform that sought to Honor God, Protect the Family, and Restore the Republic.  As co-founder of The Institute on the Constitution, a nation-wide program teaching the principles incorporated in the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution and the Maryland Constitution, Michael has taught and lectured in Maryland and across the country about law, liberty and government related topics. He has three grown children and lives with his wife, Natalie, in Millersville, Maryland.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com or 919-437-0001. 

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