Special Guests

Massive Matching Funds for NYC Pro-Life Expansion (Guest: Jim Harden)

New York-based pro-life Medical Network, CompassCare—firebombed last year by pro-abortion domestic terrorists—receives over a half million dollars in matching funds to expand into the heart of the American abortion capital. CompassCare set a goal to raise $1.2 million in order to launch medical offices in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx in January 2024. 

Encouraging pro-life people to take advantage of this life-saving opportunity, Rev. Harden says, “You can give a baby the gift of a birthday! And your financial impact amassed precisely where the abortion battle is being fought, in the abortion capital of New York, can now be doubled through December 31 at 2XImpact.life.”


  1. Why is CompassCare expanding into NYC?

Answer: New York City is the headquarters of the billion-dollar abortion empire. Nearly 40,000 abortions occur annually citywide with Brooklyn leading the way at 13,000, the highest number of any U.S. county. In a post-Roe America, New York State spent millions of tax payer dollars to increase abortion industry infrastructure, promote abortion tourism, and protect abortionists from criminal prosecution.

  • CompassCare has been literally firebombed, vandalized, and censored. What is it about CompassCare that makes you a target?

Answer: You don’t catch the flack unless you are flying over the target. New York seeks to imprison women facing unplanned pregnancy in hopelessness, robbing them of the support needed to enable true choice, support that only pro-life pregnancy centers provide, for free.

  • Is there any word from the FBI regarding the firebombing? 

Answer: The FBI finally labeled the June 7, 2022 firebombing as “domestic terrorism.” But after over a year of the FBI’s abdication, CompassCare is still accelerating towards the goal of doubling the number of women served with ethical medical care and babies saved from abortion.

  • Where does the resolve of the CompassCare team come from? What gets them up every day despite the attacks?

Answer: We are more than willing to fight digital censorship, weaponization of legislation, marginalization by legacy media, and even violent pro-abortion extremists if that is what is required to continue saving women and babies from the serial malpractice and mercenary abortion empire who get their political puppets re-elected.

  • What tensions might a woman face that would cause her to consider abortion?

Answer: Abortion is a mountain too big for government, or medicine, or education, or economics to move. CompassCare’s 20-year experience has confirmed that no woman wants to have an abortion. She feels trapped or coerced by her circumstances. Abortion is a God-sized mountain and pro-life Christians are moving it, one woman, one baby at a time.

  • Is abortion ever an answer? 

Answer: The original Hippocratic Oath to which doctors swore for over two thousand years specifically forbade abortion. The purpose of medicine is to heal and maintain the health of the patient. Abortion does neither for the mother nor the baby.

  • Where can people go to take advantage of this opportunity?

Answer: Your financial impact amassed precisely where the abortion battle is being fought, in the abortion capital of New York, can now be doubled through December 31 at 2XImpact.life.”

About Rev. Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children.

Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbs in 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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