Special Guests

Lions and Tigers and Coronavirus Bears, Oh My! Don’t sell–Buy! says Financial Expert Troy Buder

Based on what might be the wildest roller coaster ride in history, fears stemming from the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus have impacted stock markets worldwide. So, that’s horrible news, right?

Not according to our guest and financial expert Troy Buder, who says, “Finally, the Stock Market is on Sale!”


1)  What would Warren Buffet do?

2)  What did we learn from the Great Recession of 2009?

3)  What is the single best thing we could *** be doing with our money today?

4)  What is the single worst thing we could be doing with our money today?

5)  Why is this happening to the market and how long is it likely to last???

6) Troy, you are a Managing Partner with ACG Wealth of Atlanta and an expert on finance, stocks, investments, global markets, and foreign trade. Where may we get more information on you and your company? 

About Troy Buder…

Troy Buder has been a private wealth manager for 21 years. Currently he is a Managing Partner with “ACG Wealth” out of Atlanta.  

Troy is also President of Tabu Filmz, LLC and ***  Executive Producer of “Queen of Katwe”, a Disney Production, and Executive Producer of Unbridled, a film exposing suburban human trafficking, produced by Moving Visions Entertainment, Inc. 

In addition to film and wealth management, Troy is President of Tabu Properties, LLC., which holds properties in 3 different countries.

An expert on finance, stocks, investments, global markets, and foreign trade, Troy is regularly called upon by national talk show hosts for his entertaining and insightful commentary. 

Troy Buder’s video reel from interviews on CNBC and Fox:

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