Special Guests


Outgoing President Calls for DRASTIC CHANGE

Outgoing President Joe Biden is resigning and not seeking a second term. Many believe the reason has to do with significant cognitive decline. That does not mean he is not calling for drastic change. His proposals—term limits for justices, an enforceable code of ethics, and a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity—underscore a critical moment in American politics.

The proposal to require term limits at the U.S. Supreme Court and redefine presidential immunity, are things that should not be taken lightly, let alone pushed by a lame duck president, according to Kenin Spivak. Without examining the intentions behind term limits for justices, an enforceable code of ethics, and constitutional amendments to limit presidential immunity, several concerns suggest these reforms could have unintended negative consequences.

In addition to Biden’s calling for hugely significant changes to our Constitution and very system of government, he’s doing so at a time when he has chosen to step down.

Kenin Spivak, an author and lawyer who has tried cases in federal and state courts is also a writer for The American Mind magazine of the Claremont Institute. His experience in the courtroom and in the political world make him an ideal guest for this Supreme Court decision.

Spivak has also been closely following the social media case that will be decided by the Supreme Court Monday.

Welcome, Kenin.


  1. Why would an outgoing president, with obvious cognitive decline, make such extreme demands at this time?
  2. What specific changes does President Joe Biden propose to address in the U.S. Supreme Court and presidential immunity?
  3. What are the potential concerns or unintended consequences related to Biden’s proposed reforms?
  4. How might Biden’s resignation impact the likelihood or the political climate surrounding the proposed constitutional amendments and reforms?
  5. What are the implications of Biden’s proposals for the balance of power and the functioning of the American political system?
  6. How might Biden’s call for term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics affect the current judicial and political landscape?5. Should Americans be troubled by how many court cases have been brought against Donald Trump?

About Kenin Spivak:

Renown financier Michael Milken recruited Mr. Spivak to develop media opportunities. To do so, Mr. Spivak co-founded and was CEO of Archon Communications. Mr. Spivak brought in Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorporation as an investor, acquired control of media companies, including industry-leader Premiere Radio Networks, and guided the portfolio to success. As chairman of the Premiere Radio Networks executive committee, Spivak invigorated the company and then sold both Archon and Premiere to Jacor for a considerable profit. He next served as chairman of the independent directors’ committee of Metro Traffic Networks, the global leader in traffic and news reporting and directed that company’s sale to Viacom for $1.9 billion ($3.3 billion in current dollars).

Mr. Spivak also led major studio MGM/UA Communications Co. as its chief operating officer and served as chairman or vice chairman of leading independent film and television production and distribution companies; produced theatrical motion pictures released by 20th Century Fox and animated DVD’s for children; produced and hosted radio and television public affairs and talk series in New York City; and acquired, led and sold publishers Phoenix New Millennium and Knowledge Exchange. He wrote the thriller, The Karasik Conspiracy, served as chairman of the editorial board for The Knowledge Exchange Business Encyclopedia, distributed by Warner Books, and contributed to Larry King’s Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, a compendium of essays on the justice system.


For detailed inquiries or to arrange an interview with Kenin Spivak, please contact Todd Baumann geraldmcg@outlook.com or 512-966-0983.

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