Special Guests

Jim Harden on Arizona’s Abortion Law Reversal, Political Courage, and Moral Imperatives

In a surprising shift, Arizona Republicans have voiced opposition to the enforcement of a 160-year-old abortion ban, a move that deviates from the party’s historical advocacy for abortion restrictions. This development highlights the ongoing debate within the Republican Party on how to approach abortion legislation post-Roe. Jim Harden, a key pro-life figure leading the largest network of pro-life pregnancy centers in the Eastern U.S., provides critical insights into this matter. Harden, who has championed a states’ rights approach to abortion, emphasizes the importance of legislative courage in pursuing pro-life policies, not merely for political gain but as a moral imperative. He urges legislators to prioritize ethical considerations over political consequences, reminding us of the profound responsibility to protect life and warning of the potential divine judgment on a nation that fails to uphold these values.

Suggested Questions:

1. Reaction to Arizona Republicans’ Stance: How do you view the Arizona Republicans’ unexpected denouncement of the historic abortion ban’s enforcement within the context of pro-life advocacy?

2. Moral Responsibility vs. Political Consequences: In light of your call for legislators to prioritize doing the right thing over political safety, can you discuss the importance of moral courage in the fight to protect unborn lives?

3. Navigating Post-Roe Political Dynamics: Given the complex political landscape following Roe’s overturn, what guidance do you offer to pro-life advocates and Republican leaders to maintain a unified and morally grounded stance?

4. Public Opinion and Pro-Life Strategy: With significant public support for abortion rights in Arizona, how should the pro-life movement address this challenge while effectively communicating its ethical standpoint?

5. Advocating for Legislative Solutions: Reflecting on calls for commonsense legislative responses, what specific pro-life policies do you believe legislators should courageously pursue, despite potential political risks?

6. The Role of Faith and Divine Judgment: Could you elaborate on the spiritual dimensions of the abortion debate, including the concern that national judgment may befall us if pro-abortion policies prevail?

7. Future Prospects for Pro-Life Legislation: As the pro-life movement looks to influence state and national policies, how do you foresee the interplay of ethical imperatives, political strategy, and public sentiment shaping the future of abortion legislation?

8. Tell us more about CompassCare and where we can learn more about it.

About Jim Harden:

Jim Harden is an influential pro-life advocate and the founder of CompassCare Pregnancy Centers, overseeing an extensive network of pregnancy centers across the Eastern U.S. His commitment to a principled approach that leverages states’ rights to legislate on abortion—coupled with a call for legislative bravery in the face of moral challenges—positions him as a pivotal voice in the national conversation on life issues. Tragically, one of his centers in Buffalo, NY, was the target of a firebombing, underscoring the volatile climate surrounding the abortion debate. Harden’s advocacy transcends politics, inviting a deeper reflection on the ethical responsibilities that define our collective humanity and the spiritual consequences of our legislative choices.

For interview requests or further information, please contact:

Jerry McGlothlin
Phone: 919-437-0001
Email: geraldmcg@outlook.com

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