Special Guests

Jim Harden on Abortion and Trump’s Pro-life States Rights Strategy

We are excited to offer an interview with Jim Harden, a prominent pro-life leader who runs the largest chain of pro-life pregnancy centers in the Eastern half of the United States. 

Jim Harden has been a vocal advocate for Donald Trump to clarify his abortion positions, leading to Trump’s current states’ rights approach to abortion legislation. Reverend Hardin hopes that such a stance by former President Donald Trump will lead to significant restrictions on abortion, including the use of the Comstock Act against abortion pill retailers, if and when Trump is re-elected. Harden’s insights come at a critical time as Trump issued a formal statement on abortion, opting not to endorse a national ban but to leave the decision up to individual states.  

Suggested Interview Q&A:

  1. Trump’s Abortion Position: Jim, how do you interpret Trump’s recent statement on abortion, suggesting legislation be left to individual states? How does this align with your hopes for Trump’s longer-term stance on abortion?
  • Impact on Conservative Voters: Some pro-life groups have expressed disappointment with Trump’s position. What is your take on this reaction, and how do you think it will affect conservative voters? Will they still ‘hold their noses’ and vote Trump? 
  • Potential for States’ Rights Approach: Given your advocacy for states’ rights to decide on abortion, how do you see this approach playing out across the U.S., especially in states with strict abortion bans?
  • Use of the Comstock Act: You’ve called for Trump to consider using the Comstock Act to challenge abortion providers, particularly regarding the interstate mailing of abortion pills. You went into detail on The Comstock Act in your recent Newsmax commentary. Can you elaborate on how you envision this being implemented?
  • Election Vulnerabilities: Trump has admitted that abortion could be a significant vulnerability in the 2024 election. How do you view his strategy to insulate himself from Democratic attacks on this issue?
  • Reaction to Criticism: Following criticism from pro-life groups and allies like Senator Lindsey Graham, Trump lashed out, suggesting a hardline abortion stance could harm Republicans in elections. What are your thoughts on this perspective?
  • Looking Ahead: As the 2024 election approaches, what message do you believe pro-life advocates should convey to ensure their concerns are addressed by candidates, particularly Trump?
  • Where can people go to learn more about CompassCare and what your team is doing?

Answer: They can visit CompassCareCommunity.com.

About Jim Harden:

Jim Harden is a leading figure in the pro-life movement, overseeing the largest network of pro-life pregnancy centers in the Eastern U.S. He has been a staunch advocate for leveraging states’ rights to enact abortion restrictions and has called on former President Trump to support such measures. Harden believes that strategic legal approaches, like employing the Comstock Act against abortion pill distribution, could significantly impact abortion access nationwide. His perspective is essential in understanding the complex dynamics of the abortion debate as the U.S. heads towards another presidential election.

CONTACT: For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Jerry McGlothlin at geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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