Special Guests

ICC’s Misguided Pursuit of Israeli Leaders Undermines True Justice (Guest: Grant Berry)

Interview Opportunity with Grant Berry, Author and Expert on Israeli Politics and Security

Suggested intro: “Joining us today is Grant Berry, an author and expert on Israeli politics, religion and security. We’re here to discuss the International Criminal Court’s recent decision to seek arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. This unprecedented move targets the leader of a close U.S. ally and raises significant questions about the ICC’s motives and implications for international justice. Welcome, Grant.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

  1. Grant, why would the International Criminal Court (ICC) issue a warrant for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? What ‘horrible’ thing could he have done to draw the ire of this globalist body? 

Grant Berry: The ICC’s charges against Netanyahu include alleged intentional killing of their enemy who attacked them. Apparently, no one sent the memo to the ICC that in war you kill people and break things. The ICC was supposed to be there to go after people like Adolph Hitler who waged genocide, not the other way around and to protect those who want to attack the Jewish state. Prime Minister Netanyahu is protecting its citizens from terrorism, not committing a war crime. 

  • If the ICC panel agrees to the warrant, what happens next? Do they have any real power over Israeli officials?

Grant Berry: If it agrees, they will issue a warrant for the arrest of Netanyahu, but the court has no jurisdiction over Israel since it is not a member of the international tribunal established by a multilateral treaty known as the Rome Statute. The Rome Statute is the founding treaty of the ICC and was adopted on July 17, 1998. It entered into force on July 1, 2002, after being ratified by 60 countries. Thus, Israel’s government and its officials are unlikely to comply with such warrants, rendering the arrest warrant of Netanyahu largely symbolic and yet one more attempt by the Left at discrediting a conservative leader. 

  • So, this is nothing more than a charade to garner negative attention for Israel?

Grant Berry: Many see this as a politically motivated charade aimed at delegitimizing Israel’s right to self-defense. The charges against Netanyahu ignore the provocations and context of Hamas’s terrorist actions.

  • Does it seem particularly egregious that they would lump Netanyahu in with their arrest warrants for members of the terror group Hamas?

Grant Berry: Absolutely. Equating the Israeli Prime Minister with Hamas terrorists creates a false moral equivalence. Hamas targets civilians deliberately, while Israel defends itself against these attacks, striving to minimize civilian casualties.

  • Has anything come of the request that President Biden show support to his allies in Israel?

Grant Berry: President Biden has condemned the ICC’s announcement, calling it outrageous. But his response was not so much showing support to Israel as it was a case that he had little choice since the United States has more military actions worldwide than any other nation and quietly unlikely to pull out of every engagement to appease the Palestinians. 

  • Can you elaborate on the historical context of Israel’s efforts to defend itself against Hamas?

Grant Berry: Israel has been combating Hamas’s terrorism for years. The group’s brutal attack on October 7th, which killed 1,200 civilians, underscores the need for Israel’s defensive actions.

  • What is the significance of Netanyahu’s appeal to President Biden regarding the ICC?

Grant Berry: Netanyahu’s appeal to Biden underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for strong U.S. support to counteract the optics ICC’s politically motivated charges.

  • How does the ICC’s targeting of Netanyahu reflect on its credibility and impartiality?

Grant Berry: The ICC’s actions against Netanyahu cast doubt on its credibility, suggesting it may be influenced by political agendas rather than unbiased justice.

  • Tell us about your Romans 911 Project.
  1. Where can our listeners get more information about your work and support the Romans 911 initiatives?

Grant Berry: It’s FREE and available at: http://www.Romans911.org

Grant Berry is a noted author and expert on Israeli politics, security and religion. He provides in-depth analysis and commentary on the geopolitical dynamics of the Middle East. He is the Founder of Reconnecting Ministries and Author and Producer of The Romans 911 Project. As a Prophetic Intercessor, he has carried this burden of Reconnection from the Father for His family to reunite in The One New Man between believing Jews and Gentiles in the Ekklesia/Church. Grant has received a commission from the Lord to help reintroduce love and unity in the family. A Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus, Grant was born in London, England and is married to Hali Berry and they have five children.

CONTACT: For interviews, contact Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests at 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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