Special Guests

Norway, Ireland, and Spain Recognize Palestinian State: A Historic Move with Far-Reaching Implications (David Rubin)

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and a noted author and speaker on Israeli politics and security. We are here to discuss the historic decision by Norway, Ireland, and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state. David Rubin will provide his perspective on why he believes this move undermines Israel’s legitimate sovereignty over its land and why the concept of a Palestinian state is fundamentally flawed. Welcome, David.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

Can a two-state solution work with the current government in Gaza?

David Rubin: In light of October 7 do you believe a two-state solution is possible? I don’t believe it is possible because one side is set on the destruction of the other.

David, what are your thoughts on Norway, Ireland, and Spain’s decision to recognize a Palestinian state?

David Rubin: This decision is misguided and ignores historical and legal facts. There has never been a distinct Palestinian people with sovereign rights to the land now called Israel. The land was given to the Jewish people by God and was internationally recognized through the United Nations. Furthermore, Israel’s borders were expanded through defensive wars against invasion.

Why do you believe that Palestinians do not have rights to the land or a two-state solution?

David Rubin: The claim of Palestinian rights to the land is a recent political construct. Historically, there has never been a sovereign Palestinian state. The land of Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish people for thousands of years. Any comparison to giving New Mexico back to Mexico or Minnesota to Canada is absurd and ignores the legal and historical context.

What immediate impacts do you foresee from this recognition on Israel-Palestine relations?

David Rubin: This recognition could escalate tensions as it is seen by Israel as undermining its sovereignty and security. It might also embolden Palestinian leaders to push for further international recognition and support.

Why did Israel recall its ambassadors from Norway and Ireland in response to this announcement?

David Rubin: Israel views this recognition as a direct challenge to its authority and a disregard for the complexities of the conflict, especially the ongoing security concerns posed by groups like Hamas, designated terrorist organizations for decades by Europe and the United States.

How does this move square with Israel’s efforts to win the war against terrorism in Gaza?

David Rubin: It doesn’t help. It’s outright sabotage. Just as we are about to vanquish terrorism forever from our nation, the West decides to prop up our nearly defeated enemy who invades us. It is betrayal of the highest magnitude.

What do you think will be the reaction from other major powers, such as the United States and the United Kingdom?

David Rubin: Both the U.S. and the UK have historically supported a negotiated solution. They may express concern over unilateral recognitions but will likely continue to advocate for direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine. I only hope and pray that the United States will not cross the line and force a two-state solution because that would be crossing the red line that must not be passed.

Tell us about the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund you founded.

David Rubin: The Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund is dedicated to healing the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks. We provide therapeutic, educational, and recreational programs to help these children rebuild their lives.

How can our audience support your humanitarian efforts to help child victims of terrorism?

David Rubin: For more information and to support our efforts, any of your concerned people in your audience may visit IsraelChildren.org.


David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and a noted author and speaker on Israeli politics and security. He is also the founder of the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, dedicated to healing the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks.

Media Contact:

Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests Publicity LLC

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com

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