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Following a Devastating Fire That Has Killed Almost 40 People, It’s Time For Detention Centers To Adopt Better Conditions (Guest: Miguel Angelo)

The bilingual spokesman for RestoringJustice.us explains why poor conditions by government offices are resulting in the unnecessary deaths of migrants.

With over 7,600 migrants that have perished either in custody or en route to the U.S. over the past nine years, there’s been a lot of questions surrounding the poor conditions at certain detention centers. But a recent incident has created even more.

Per this report from CBS News, a fire has broken out in an immigration detention center in a Mexican city on the U.S. border, resulting in the deaths of at least 39 people. The fire reportedly started around 10 PM, though how it started is currently under investigation.

The facility, named the National Immigration Institute (INM), had 68 adult men housed at the time, along with various employees. Most of them hailed from Central and South America, and a few were also identified as Guatemalan nationals.

“Irregular migration carries with it a series of risks, which have once again become evident; once again we call on the population to analyze and make the right decisions before embarking on such journeys, which often have no return or final destination,” The Guatemalan Institute of Migration noted in a statement.

This is further proof that migration centers have a serious problem when it comes to poor conditions, but the real question is what the government will do to resolve them – if anything. Joining us now to discuss this further is Miguel Angelo, a bilingual spokesman for the website RestoringJustice.us. (Joseph Meza may be the guest depending on scheduling, but he is also a spokesman for the site.)


  1. Do you have a good idea what could’ve happened with this fire? Could it have been something pertaining to the poor conditions we’ve seen in detention centers?
  2. How do detention centers get in such poor condition anyway? A lack of care? Being filled with too many migrants?
  3. Do you think with this fire that it’s about time the government added more funding to bring detention centers up to speed in terms of condition? If so, do you think they’ll actually go through with it?
  4. Is there a better way to transport migrants instead of keeping them around a detention center that could be dangerous for them? Or is this part of a process that likely won’t change?
  5. As a whole, who should the finger be pointed at for the fire? Officials? The government? Whoever wasn’t keeping it in proper shape?
  6. You’re the spokesman for RestoringJustice.us. Tell us the general goal of the site and why users should learn more about it, now more than ever.

About Miguel Angelo:

Miguel Angelo grew up in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico as the middle son of a missionary family. He has an extensive border policy background. Miguel is currently a bilingual spokesman for Restoring Justice, a human rights coalition exposing the injustice of agencies including the U.S. Justice Department that has ‘weaponized’ the FBI against pro-life groups and the ATF going against gun manufacturers and gun owners. One major thrust of his organization is to achieve America First legal limited path for fully vetted workers to enter America, who agree to work without taking welfare, to benefit the U.S. to become contributors, not takers.

About Joseph Meza:

Born and raised in Mexico City, Joseph Meza moved to the United States in 1988 seeking the American Dream and became a full legal citizen in August of 2022. Working as a bilingual interpreter in the Carolina Courts system, and business owner in both the translation and advertising agency business, and has worked as a community liaison with nonprofit organizations including The United Way. Joseph is currently a spokesman with Restoring Justice US, a coalition that promotes an America First legal limited path for citizenship.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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