Special Guests

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Is About To Sign Into Law a Bill That Strips Disney of Self-Governance of Disney World (Guest: Sheri Few)

The controversy was over the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. 

But there’s some concern that these politicians could be losing focus, working more to punish Disney instead of staying on the task at hand—what children are learning in America these days. Sheri Few, who serves as president of United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE, for short), joins us today to speak about the subject.


1.   What would you say Disney’s thinking is when it comes to the “Don’t Say Gay” bill? Concern for children? Concern for its employees? Perhaps something different?

2.   What do you think politicians can do more regarding keeping focus on what children are being taught in schools? Do you feel some have lost that focus in favor of looking into their own agendas?

3.   You’re releasing a film, Truth and Lies in American Education, that discusses what children are being taught in classes today, and what some parents are doing to protect them. Can you break down further how this ties in with everything going on between Disney and Florida government?

4.   What do you think Disney can do to help children in this time of need? Can parents help in some way as well?

5.   What lesson can be learned from all this when it comes to the power of corporations and what can be done to keep the importance of children and family values in focus?

6.   Where can we learn more about the new film?

Answer: Our website is USPIE.org, and we have downloadable resources to help parents advocate fortheir children and fight against the indoctrination of their children. The film is coming out on April 29. Just go to TruthAndLiesFilm.us for how to watch it.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin jerry@specialguests.com 919-437-0001

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