Special Guests

Five Helpful Tips for Those Who have Suddenly Found Themselves Working from Home

Guest Peter Rosenberger is in Bozeman, MT in Mountain Time

It seems that every day we hear of more companies telling their employees to work from home. The first thing that comes to mind is working in their pajamas or a bathrobe or even wearing less.

But Peter Rosenberger, who is a national expert on home caregiving, says that’s not at all the way to work from home.

Peter hosts the national radio program, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.  He’s worked at home for 17 years while caring for his wife, Gracie, who lives with severe disabilities. He’s also the author of several books, including 7 Caregiver Landmines and How You Can Avoid Them. He joins us now. 


  1. You Tell People to Get Dressed …isn’t that rather obvious?

Answer: No, often people see working from home as an opportunity dress like it’s Saturday morning.  Avoid sweatpants and pajamas and get dressed in comfortable, but business casual to casual Friday attire. Your workflow, attitude and overall demeanor can often (drastically) change depending upon your attire.

  1. Show up for work on time …why is that important when you are at home …possibly not even working?

Answer: Eventually, this virus crises will end, and the workforce will resume normalcy. Sleeping in, not watching the clock, and tardiness are bad habits that you don’t want to take back to the worksite. The lack of punctuality and consistency have torpedoed more jobs and careers than just about anything else. 

  1. Talk about why we should clean the kitchen the night before.

Answer: Waking up to a messy kitchen, dirty dishes, etc. will interrupt the workflow. You start off the day a bit more centered if you are in an organized environment. You need to work at peak efficiency. It’s only right. 

  1. Why is it important to make your bed?

Answer: Your home is your workplace now …and it helps to have it neat and tidy.  Simple things help build normalcy in disorienting circumstances.  There’s a great commencement speech from Admiral William H. McRaven about this …Google it.

  1. You talk about a specific piece of technology that’s helped you for years, what is it?

Answer: Hands free Bluetooth headset or ear buds. If your business involves you being on the phone a lot, you can perform housework or other tasks while making those calls. (Doing the dishes makes a lot of clutter …so be aware of the mute button). Also, another device:  a slow cooker! 

  1. Where may we get your book or obtain more information on home caregiving or your organization? 



Peter Rosenberger is the host of the national radio program, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER and the author of several books including 7 Caregiver Landmines And How You Can Avoid Them. He’s cared for his wife, Gracie, for more than 30 years through her 80+ operations and multiple amputations. www.hopeforthecaregiver.com @hope4caregiver  

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