Special Guests

Facing the Danger of Replacement Theology (Guest: Grant Berry)

The founder of Reconnecting Ministries explains why there’s a “danger zone” when it comes to Israel being “replaced” with this theology.

There is a very concerning “danger zone” that part of the Church is entering with the huge rise in antisemitism since October 7th, much of which stems from and is rooted in replacement theology.

Also known as supersessionism and fulfillment theology, replacement theology essentially teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plan. There are adherents suggesting that the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people, mainly due to what’s happening in the news – particularly with attacks against Hamas and Hezbollah.

There are several ideas that can go into this dangerous theology, including the Church completely replacing Israel or the idea that it follows a completely different and distinct approach from Israel. Hence, the need for it to feel that replacement theology is necessary.

Grant Berry, founder of Reconnecting Ministries, recently spoke about this at great length during a recent speech at the Pinecrest Reunion. In it, he makes note that the Church rejecting Israel based upon the rise of “horrific antisemitism” is leading to the potential “danger zone” that is rising. For that matter, the “great deception being spewed out by the media” isn’t helping either.

But is there anything that can stop it? Or, for that matter, turn the tide back in favor of Israel, especially in the Church? Berry suggests a complete and informed repentance, but what does this look like?

He joins us now to discuss the situation further:


  1. How easily do you feel the media is affecting the Church when it comes to its beliefs in replacement theology?
  2. Why are some feeling that Jews are no longer accepted as God’s people? Does Israel really leave enough of a negative reflection for some to actually believe this?
  3. What could possibly replace Israel when it comes to this theology? Or can they even be replaced at all, for that matter?
  4. What’s the way out of this “danger zone”? 
  5. What is “true repentance,” and how can it prevent the Church from being under the influence of replacement theology?
  6. Do you believe that Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah could enter into a full-scale war, based on how fighting is going?
  7. Tell us more about The Romans 911 Project, the books, and about its video teaching course?
  8. Where can we learn more about The Romans 911 Project, your Podcasts and  Romans 911 Project TALKS interviews?
    1. There are two websites: Romans911.org, which introduces the project; and our main website, ReconnectingMinistries.com.

About Grant Berry…

Grant Berry is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and was born in London, England. Grant is married to Hali Berry and they have five children. He is the Founder of Reconnecting Ministries and Author and Producer of The Romans 911 Project. As a Prophetic Intercessor, he has carried this burden of Reconnection from the Father for His family to reunite in The One New Man between believing Jews and Gentiles in the Ekklesia/Church. Grant has received a commission from the Lord to help reintroduce love and unity in the family.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at bookings@specialguests.com.

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