Special Guests

‘Extremely Organized’ Large Groups of Illegal Aliens entering through Texas County, according to Texas Sheriff Guest: Michael Letts


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Extremely organized large groups of illegal aliens are entering the United States through Kinney County, Texas, according to Sheriff Brad Coe and reported by The EpochTimes


Authorities do not see this migration showing down. They are greatly concerned about drugs being smuggled along with this migration train that that likely will expect tax-funded welfare benefits once they are in the United States.


Joining us in this discussion is police officer Michael Letts, founder, and CEO of InVest USA, a charity providing active shooter vests to police and other first responders.




  1. Welcome, Michael. Your organization, InVest USA, was recently on the border of Texas with Mexico. Kinney County, Texas Sheriff  Brad Coe is reporting large groups of Illegal immigrants crossing in his county recently. What is your professional opinion as to the threat this poses to the American public?

Answer: InVest USA recently returned from donating Active Shooter Vests to five bordering in Texas just north of Kinney County.  Drug and Human trafficking is up 1,379% from last year, as 2022 begins. The threat is real and of the highest priority as these Drug and Human trafficking cartels launch an assualt and war on innocent civilians and young people. Unfortunately, the Democrats in power have little interest in stopping this, for one reason.


  1. What reason is that?

They welcome newly-minted Democrats.


3) What tactics are the drug cartels employing that should cause all Americans concern?


Answer: They are using small groups to distract and divert law enforcement so that their network can traffic drugs that destroy America’s citizens and trafficking its children and women.


3) What did InVest USA experience when it was on the Border recently?

Answer: We saw deputies and officers without Active shooter vests to protect themselves against well-armed cartels, thus lacking the ability to stop this assault and invasion on America effectively.


4) Is the Biden Administration’s open border policy a factor?


Answer: It is the basis and is aiding and abetting the enemies of America’s freedoms and democracy.


5) What can we do to help defend and save this great nation?


Answer: They may visit www.investusa.org 



CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Jerry McGlothlin or Celinda Hawkins at Special Guests PR Agency at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com


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