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Dr. Erwin Lutzer Implores Christians To Keep the Faith In an Ever Changing World With His New Book

The pastor and author discusses his new book, and how he hopes society will do away with the idea of “a near total eclipse of God.”

With the changes going on with the world today, it’s fairly easy for people to lose faith. Especially Christians who are concerned about the presence of God.

“We see the increase in violence, treachery, the abuse of the law, depravity, racial conflict, sexual perversity, drug use and suicide,” notes author and pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer. “Darkness is being protected and normalized while light is being vilified and criminalized.”

That prompted Dr. Lutzer to write his new book The Eclipse of God, which focuses on “our nation’s disastrous search for a more inclusive deity,” and, more importantly, “what we must do about it.”

With his book, Dr. Lutzer identifies three key objectives:

  • To better understand the intellectual roots of this present darkness
  • To rejoice that God is sovereign and stands ready to give us the blessing of His presence
  • To remind us that only a repentant and submissive church can shine the light of the gospel with confidence and strength

“We do not have to win the culture war in order to be faithful to God,” he explains.

With his book, Dr. Lutzer breaks down each chapter with a Declaration of Dependence, as well as an Action Step – a step necessary for restoring faith in the true God.

“The Word of God is still used often, but very selectively. And it has been emptied of serious thought,” Dr. Lutzer notes.

The book is set to release on September 10th, and is available for pre-order on Amazon here. Dr. Erwin Lutzer now joins us to discuss the book further.


  1. Why has society suddenly become so drastic to find a more sin-friendly God? Is social media a big part of that, or are there other elements to be concerned about?
  2. What prompted you to write The Eclipse of God? You noted three key reasons when it came to putting them together.
  3. Let’s talk about the title. We know what an eclipse of the sun is, but what do you mean by “the Eclipse of God”?
  4. What do you mean by “in this cultural moment, we are in a spiritual battle”?
  5. You speak about how the shadows of Europe have come to America. Specifically, you discuss three “grave diggers who prepared a coffin for God.” Who are they and briefly explain their continuing influence?
  6. We often hear the phrase “truth vs. truthiness.” We are told that truth is fluid, it is not objective but subjective. Can you explain this reasoning a little further?
  7. There is quite a difference between the punishments for sinful behavior in the Old Testament vs. the New Testament. So, is God more tolerant than He used to be?
  8. You say that often the greatest harm comes to a church not from attacks without but from attacks from within. Can you explain this further?
  9. Would you say it’s more difficult than ever before for Christians to retain their faith? What advice do you have that would help them out?
  10. Where can those interested in The Eclipse of God purchase it?
    1. It’s available here on Amazon, in both print and Kindle form. It releases on September 10th.

About Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer:

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, where he served as the senior pastor for 36 years. He is an award-winning author of many books, including We Will Not Be Silenced. He is also the featured speaker on two radio programs, heard on more than 750 outlets worldwide.

You can learn more about Dr. Lutzer on the official Moody Church page.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at jerry@specialguests.com.

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