Special Guests

DNC Platform: Kidnapping, Torture, and Child Trafficking (Guest: Randall Terry)

Explosive Ad Highlights Horrors of Democrat Ticket

Randall Terry, pro-life activist and founder of Operation Rescue has released an extremely powerful, explosive, and hard-hitting, one-minute ad. The ad focuses on Walz’s time as Governor of Minnesota and shines the spotlight of reality onto the Kamala Harris / Tim Walz ticket, less than a week before the Democratic National Convention begins in Chicago.

Listen for yourself!


Terry has an incredibly unique and bold strategy. It includes both wanting people to vote for Donald Trump while simultaneously being the nominee for the Constitution Party, based on a pro-life platform. But wait, isn’t that going to take votes away from the Republican nominee?

No!! Quite the opposite.

Terry, who will attend the Democrat Convention next week, is implementing a grand strategy by using some extremely interesting means. Strategically, he understands that there are a lot of Democrat voters who understand their party has become too barbaric to vote for, but who cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump. To that, Terry says fine. Then vote for me. Don’t vote for a ticket that should be brought up on charges based on the Nuremburg code.

Furthermore, as a presidential candidate, Terry can take advantage of federal laws that allow candidates to run provocative television ads that would otherwise be restricted. These ads include graphic images of aborted babies. This will serve to highlight the horrors of the Democrat ticket, even more and drive Democrat voters away from Harris / Walz and toward Trump and if not Trump, then Terry.

Either it will be a two-point swing if a Democrat moves away from Harris / Walz and to Trump / Vance or a one-point swing (addition by subtraction) if that voter moves from Harris / Walz to Terry / Broden.

In essence, Terry’s campaign will have the effect of helping Trump because it is designed to take away the votes of horrified Democrats who cannot stomach what their party has become but who cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump. That, says Terry, is really voting for the lesser of two evils.
Suggested Interview Questions:

1.) Your ad makes serious allegations about the Democrat ticket, particularly regarding Tim Walz’s actions as Governor. Can you clarify the evidence supporting these claims, and how do you plan to substantiate them to the public?
2.) Given the gravity of the accusations in your ad, how do you ensure that the investigation and discourse around these issues remain respectful and fact-based rather than inflammatory?
3.) Can you explain how your candidacy will influence the overall presidential race, particularly in terms of shifting votes away from Kamala Harris and Tim Walz?
4.) You mentioned that your strategy involves influencing disaffected Democrats who are uncomfortable with their party’s direction. What specific outreach methods will you use to connect with these voters?
5.) How do you respond to concerns that your campaign might inadvertently benefit the Republican nominee by splitting the vote, rather than focusing solely on your own candidacy?
6.) What are your main policy priorities as a candidate for the Constitution Party, and how do they differ from those of Donald Trump or other major candidates?
7.) Your campaign strategy includes using provocative ads, including graphic images. How do you balance the need for impactful messaging with the potential for these ads to be seen as divisive or distressing?
8.) How will you handle the legal and ethical implications of running such controversial ads, especially those that might be considered graphic or offensive by some voters?
9.) What specific federal laws or regulations do you plan to leverage to run these provocative ads, and how do you anticipate they will affect your campaign’s visibility and public perception?

Randall Allan Terry, Founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Mr. Terry led the largest civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994. He has been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons.

Here is his website: https://www.terry2024.com/about

Randall Terry has been a Pro-Life Leader, Trainer, Speaker, Musician and Author for 30 years. He has a Master’s in Foreign Relations and Islamic Studies. His knowledge of history, candor, and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, and a vital teacher to those that wish to learn. He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders.

His life has been threatened multiple times, requiring the intervention of law enforcement, and relocation for security reasons. He is an internationally known TV guest, author, lecturer, filmmaker, talk show host, and musician.

Randall has been a guest on: Oprah, 60 Minutes, Meet the Press, Nightline, Hannity, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, 20/20, 48 Hours, TBN, Scarborough Country, Crossfire, Sonya Live, Donahue, Sally Jesse-Raphael, BBC, Italian Television, Niko Television, Telemundo, ABC World News Tonight, CBS News, and NBC News.

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or Bookings@SpecialGuests.com

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