Special Guests

Delaware AG Demands Civil Rights Review of Women’s Lacrosse Team Involved in a Stop-and-Search (Guest: Michael Letts)

Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings is questioning the actions of police officers, noting that she was “deeply troubled” over a Delaware State University women’s lacrosse team being part of a “stop and search” last month.

Jennings believes that the search may be racial profiling and has called on officials in Georgia and the U.S. Justice Department to take a closer look at the matter.

The search took place on April 20th; and based on the report, the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office conducted the search after a narcotics-sniffing dog made what’s being called an “open-air alert.”

Jennings said of the report, “These students and coaches were not in the proverbial wrong place at the wrong time. Not only did the deputies find nothing illegal in the bags; they did not issue a single ticket for the alleged traffic infraction.”

Lending us some insight into the matter is Michael Letts, a police officer, and co-founder and CEO of InVest USA, a group that provides police officers across the country with bulletproof vests.

Considering that recreational marijuana use is still illegal in most states (including Georgia), do you believe the search was out of line as Jennings seems to indicate? Or were the officers right to search?
The report noted that a narcotics-sniffing dog made an “open-air alert,” possibly indicating illegal substances aboard the bus. Can you tell us more about what this is?
One of the students believe this to be a “racial encounter,” but the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office noted that it had stopped another bus earlier in the vicinity, which did have drugs on board. Were the police simply doing their job based on this, as well as what the K-9 detected?
Jennings is attempting to take her complaint to the U.S. Justice Department. What do you believe they will say on the matter? Do you think anything will change with the “stop-and-search” method, or is it a procedure that works to great effect already?
You’ve shown some concern over the past few weeks about the rise of crime in certain states, and the lack of police forces to keep up. Do you believe this situation could detract from this?
Where can we learn more about InVest USA and the many programs it supports?
A: You can visit our website at http://www.investusa.org.

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

CONTACT: Gerald McGlothlin at: jerry.specialguests@gmail.com

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