Special Guests

Is Aid to Ukraine in the best interest of the United States?

Rarely do Democrats and Republicans show public unity the way Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer have done in their efforts to pass legislation giving $40 billion of aid to Ukraine.

But there is one former congressman who opposes foreign aid. His name is Ron Paul and he joins us in this lively discussion.


  1. If you were in Congress today, would you try to block this bill for $40 billion in aid to Ukraine?
  1. What’s wrong with helping other countries in need?
  1. You maintain that runaway government spending has led to our current inflation crisis? Where did we go wrong and is there a quick fix for bad policies of the past?
  1. The government’s core inflation numbers excluse gas, food and housing. They claim those three categories fluctuate too much and should be exempted. Do you agree with that and do you believe inflation is as low as the Biden administration claims or do you think it’s understated?
  1. Can you compare gas prices under Trump to gas and other prices under Biden and explain what is really going on and why?
  1. Many of us have already cut back on luxury items. But with skyrocketing prices on our basic needs to survive, like food and shelter, we may soon be forced to but back on necessities.   

1.  Do you believe the government statistics on inflation are accurate? And how much higher can it get? Or is it peaked as some are telling us?

  1. What can we as individuals do to mitigate this upcoming problem, or at least not feel maximum pain?

ABOUT RON PAUL                                              

Dr. Ron Paul is a former Republican congressman from the 22nd congressional district of Texas. Ron Paul espoused strong conservative and Libertarian positions, including maintaining a fiscally responsible government. Before his involvement in the political arena, Dr. Paul was a physician. He is active as a writer and spokesperson for organizations representing his core beliefs, including honest money. Currently, he is a brand ambassador for Birch Gold Group. 

CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Ron Paul, call Jerry McGlothlin of SpecialGuests.com at 919-437-0001 or by email at jerry@specialguests.com

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