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Could the United States See Attacks From ISIS Following the Moscow Massacre? (Guest: Michael Letts)

The law enforcement veteran and InVest USA founder discusses the news surrounding ISIS potentially setting up attacks on our own soil.

As if the “border crisis” wasn’t enough to be concerned about, United States citizens could also potentially face attack from another group – ISIS.

new report from Fox News reveals that the Islamic terror group has a “strong desire” to attack people within the country, as well as other foreign powers.

This comes from Retired General Frank McKenzie, who spoke about the situation on ABC News. He noted, “I think the threat is growing” following the group’s reported attack in Moscow a while back.

“It began to grow as soon as we left Afghanistan, it took pressure off ISIS-K,” McKenzie noted. “So I think we should expect further attempts of this nature against the United States as well as our partners and other nations aboard. I think this is inevitable.”

And for those that don’t think such an attack is feasible, remember the “border crisis” that’s currently happening, with thousands of migrants already entering the United States under President Biden’s relaxed rules.

Joining us now to discuss this further is Michael Letts, a law enforcement veteran with over 30 years of experience under his belt. Letts is President, Founder and CEO of InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers through various charitable groups and sponsorships. His knowledge in all things law and order make him a great subject for this interview.

Welcome, Mr. Letts!


  1. Do you agree with McKenzie that ISIS could very well launch attacks in the United States?
  2. What do you think their motivation is when it comes to these strikes? Intimidating international powers? Or something else?
  3. Do you think that President Biden’s somewhat relaxed stance on what’s happening at the border give ISIS the leeway it needs to enter the country undetected?
  4. How much of an issue will this be for President Biden when it comes to him seeking re-election as President later this year?
  5. What can people do to best protect themselves against potential threats? What advice do you have regarding this matter?
  6. Should Biden complete the police funding he promised long ago in an effort to keep the streets safe from radicals such as this?
  7. You’re the creator of InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to police officers across a number of programs. Tell us more about it.
  8. Where can we learn more about InVest USA, and how those interested can help their fellow officers, especially in their time of need?
    1. You can visit our official InVest USA website, and learn more on the official Invest USA Twitter account. You can also learn about my new initiative at RestoringJustice.US, where we discuss lawful issues surrounding citizens of the United States.

About Michael Letts…

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue. Officer Letts has been a frequent guest on Fox Business News, NewsMax TV, One America News and hundreds of radio programs. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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