Special Guests

Cop shot at by 4-year-old whose dad ordered him to shoot Guest: Michael Letts


Interview guest Michael Letts, Columbia, SC


A 4-year-old child was reportedly ordered by his father to shoot at police officers who were arresting him at a McDonald’s in Utah. The father was upset over his drive-through food order supposedly being messed up, showing he brandished a gun, leading an employee to call the police, who arrived and found a 3-year-old in the back seat with the 4-year-old who had reportedly shot at the police.

Our guest to help make sense of this is police officer Michael Letts, CEO of InVest USA, a charitable organization providing bulletproof vests to police officers.



  1. Generally speaking, people don’t pull out a gun over their order being messed up, and indeed, under normal circumstances, a dad doesn’t order his 4-year-old child to shoot at police officers. So what was different this time?

Answer: It’s the Defund the Police Movement. It has demonized police officers, so people think they can get away with the mistreatment of police. The Defund the Police Movement and groups like ANTIFA enjoy an unholy alliance with the mainstream liberal media to show the world now in the United States, you can loot stores and defy police with impunity. Children mimic the values and behaviors they see most, especially behavior they see in their families. 


2) Have you ever seen or heard of circumstances like this anywhere in your law enforcement experience?

   A.) While there have been occasional incidents of tiny children discharging a weapon while playing with it, this is the first-ever time I’ve heard of a child deliberately attempting to harm/kill a law enforcement officer while performing his duty.

3.) Are there any specific plans, programs, and thoughts your organization, InVest USA, has that can help address this sick mindset?

    A.) We have the “Pennies for Police” program for all school-age children.  It desperately needs to be implemented in every school in America to deal with this epidemic.

4.) How about the teen perception of law enforcement/first responders and the dramatic, paralyzing shortage of officers our country is facing today?

   A.) We have a First Responders Academy Charter school system being proposed across America to deal with this National Security crisis immediately and effectively.

5.) Where can the public get more information to get involved with saving our children through education and support of the Thin Blue Line?

   A.) Go to www.investusa.org

CONTACT: To schedule an interview, contact Celinda Hawkins of Special Guests PR Agency at (432) 349-2736 cemison@gmail.com, or Jerry McGlothlin at jerry.specialguests@gmail.com 


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