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Chemical Abortion Leaves a 16-Year-Old Girl “Sick” and “Disabled”—Tip of the Malpractice Iceberg

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden reveals the abortion industry’s serial malpractice and fraud against women.

While the FDA’s Clinton era, protocol-violating approval of chemical abortion (dubbed the “Chemical Coat Hanger”) is expected to be overturned by the U.S. 5th District Court, pro-abortion politicians and media outlets brazenly claim that chemical abortion is “safer than Tylenol.” Medical ethicist, Rev. Jim Harden, has been sounding the alarm on the dangers of chemical abortion for years.

As initially reported by the Washington Stand the teenager—whose name was withheld—experienced life-threatening complications to a chemical abortion. According to the report, she was left permanently “sick, sore, lame and disabled.” In addition, her child was left with “profound birth defects.”

A third-party physician reviewing the case said, “[the abortionist] deviated from good and accepted medical practices…” and “…fail[ed] to adequately and fully inform [the teen and her family about] the risks, benefits, hazards and alternatives of the … drugs.” The doctor concluded that these points of malpractice “is the proximate cause of the injuries [she suffered].”

The Abortion Industry in NY has been shown to have caused the deaths of many women and girls, primarily due to malpractice. 

1 in 20 women exposed to the chemical abortion drug wind up in the emergency room and, in the United States, over half of all abortions are chemical abortions. Meanwhile, pro-abortion politicians are making it easier for sex traffickers to obtain these drugs by deregulation their distribution and use, enabling abusers to keep their “product” enslaved and on the street.

Joining us now to discuss this is Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Center. His expertise will certainly be welcome in this matter.


  1. Let’s talk about these two concerning stories: One of a teenager severely harmed by chemical abortion and another recounting the deaths caused by malpractice in the abortion industry in just NY. Are stories like these the norm for the abortion industry?
  2. In the case of the 16-year-old victim, the case is still pending. Are you surprised at how slow justice seems to be going against victims such as this?
  3. Have the deaths and serial malpractice of the abortion industry has been covered up?
  4. You literally wrote the medical ethics book on women’s’ reproductive healthcare. What are the ethical violations women facing unplanned pregnancy need to be aware of?
  5. How does CompassCare help women in facing chemical abortion? Can you reverse the effects?
  6. One of CompassCare’s patients, Jabra, was so impacted by the reversal of her chemical abortion that she wanted to share her story. Is her story typical for a woman who has a chemical abortion reversed? 
  7. How can people get involved and save women and babies from situations like this?

a. They can visit our official website at CompassCareCommunity.com

About Rev. Jim Harden:

Rev. James Harden, M.Div., is CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, CompassCare. He has one wife and ten children.

Rev. Harden says, “Money follows morality.” He is raising the alarm regarding corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in a post-Roe America. He writes extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy, predicting Dobbs in 2018 and the death of the “Red Wave” in 2022.

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin at: geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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