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Boris Johnson: The bigger reason for his demise (Guest: Guy Mitchell)

The world has learned that Boris Johnson agreed to resign. So the question is: Was pressure for Boris Johnson’s resignation merely because he conducted parties without requiring face masks? Or is there a deeper issue? Joining us to get to the bottom of Boris’s acquiescence is Guy Mitchell, author of the book, “Global Warming: The Great Deception.”


  1. Guy, we all know that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and thousands of other elected officers have been spotted publicly without face masks, yet they are still in office. What really happened with Boris Johnson?

Answer: I agree with the Wall Street Journal’s assessment, and I quote word for word: “Britain is now in the grip of an in­fla­tion cri­sis that Mr. John­son has made worse at every turn. Green taxes and reg­u­la­tions in ser­vice of Mr. John­son’s net-zero car­bon am­bi­tions helped en­ergy prices spi­ral up­ward. House­holds saw their rates for home elec­tric­ity and nat­ural gas spike 54% in April with an­other 40%-plus ex­pected in Oc­to­ber. This is feed­ing through to other prices, and over­all in­fla­tion is ex­pected to ex­ceed 10% later this year. In­fla­tion is a po­lit­ical killer.” End of quote. Keep in mind that these higher energy costs were before the EU embargoed Russian oil, so it’s gone from bad to worse. 

  • In the U.S., we are currently enduring the highest price of gasoline in history. So how would any sane, level-headed person go out of their way to help gas prices surge higher?

Answer: Global Warming Activists and they have an agenda based on false science. Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline for these enviro-extremists, limited drilling on millions of acres of land, and picked a war with oil-rich Russia. Of course, pump prices are up and will continue to rise. Biden releasing strategic oil reserves is like a bandaid on an elephant’s rear end. It doesn’t come close to covering the problem he created and fomented. 

  • You’re on record as saying Global Warming or Climate Change science is false science? 

Why is that?

Answer: An analysis of the increase in CO2 concentration in the Earth’s lower atmosphere using the first principles of the sciences of thermodynamics, spectroscopy, quantum mechanics and atompsheric physics proves CO2 has little effect on the Earth’s climate.

  • Activists in the London National Gallery made a bold move this week. Can you share what they did?

Answer: They glued themselves to the base of a famous oil painting and spray-painted ‘no more new oil’ adjacent to it. 

  • The Supreme Court made a significant ruling in the Environmental Protection Agency vs. West Virginia case. Can you tell us about that?

Answer: Yes. The high court wisely set the EPA back a couple of decades from their extreme overreach and control that has crippled numerous businesses in a myriad of industries. As a result, the EPA no longer can lord over companies as they once did, over-regulating carbon emissions. 

  • You wrote a book titled, Global Warming: The Great Deception? Tells us about your book.
  • Where may we pick up a copy?

Answer: It’s available for purchase on Amazon here, and there’s also a Kindle version available here.

About Guy Mitchell:

Guy Mitchell is a member of Pi Tau Sigma, the International Honor Society for Mechanical Engineers, and was elected a Distinguished Engineering Fellow by the College of Engineering, University of Alabama, in 1995. His book, Global Warming: The Great Deception, explains what he believes to be the flawed claims of global warming caused by human activity. 

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin of Special Guests 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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