Special Guests

Bill de Basio’s Vaccine Mandate for Municipal workers & First Responders likely to Devastate New York City Guest: Michael Letts


Bill de Basio’s Vaccine Mandate Kicks-in for Municipal workers and First Responders, likely to Devastate New York City

New York City today is realizing the devastating effect of Mayor Bill DeBasio’s vaccine mandate deadline of November 1 for city workers as thousands of Police, Firefighters, EMS, and other municipal workers ranging from street cleaners to morgue managers.

Workers now are forced to call in sick or be terminated for refusing to comply with the Covid 19 vaccination. The impact of having an overnight drop in a city’s workforce cannot be understated. When the sanitation workforce is gutted, a public health risk may be imminent. When police are nowhere to be seen, it is likely to see “broken window” syndrome, which quickly escalates into more significant crimes in unwatched or under-watched areas.

On the first morning of the vax deadline, 30% of NYFD firefighters remain unvaccinated, forcing the closing of 26 stations. In addition, 20% of NYPD officers are in the same situation, as well as EMS. This mandate places an overwhelming strain on public safety and a shortage of 150 ambulances, potentially devastating to the communities and the citizens in New York City.

Weighing in on this crisis is Michael Letts, a former law enforcement officer, firefighter, and founder of InVest USA. This charitable organization donates bulletproof vests to police and other first responders. Michael predicts, “This will go down in history as one of the greatest indiscretions ever perpetrated on American New York Citizens.” But, he added, “It is inept and morally wrong to inflict harm to your citizens to feed your ego, seeing how many people you can control by imposing a mandatory vaccine. What’s more, it has had adverse effects, sometimes deadly, for a large number of those taking it.”


1)    Welcome, Michael. The New York municipal workers can’t call in sick forever. In your opinion, at what point do you believe Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio will fire those ten thousand New York City Police, Fire, and EMS officers who called in with the “Blue Flu”?

Answer: I believe a tyrant is typically a coward. He will move quickly rather than allow the courts to hear the facts.

2.)  If Mayor de Blasio does fire all police and firefighters and every other municipal worker from desk clerks to morgue managers, what will that do to the city?

Answer:  It will directly jeopardize the safety and health of all the New York citizens and visitors. Essential services can’t sustain such a massive disruption….all in the name of tyranny.

3.)  Across the country, the Defund the Police movement caused a portion of their police forces to be reduced. What was that result?

Answer: Chaos ensued, riots empowered looters and violent criminals. A clear message of there is no accountability for one’s actions.

4.)  Between the Defund the Police movements, vaccine mandates, and liberal laws restricting them, it almost seems like an intentional effort to paint bullseyes on the backs of police officers, daring anyone to take a shot at them. With fewer police officers on the job, when those left are called into high crime areas, are they at least issued bulletproof vests?

Answer: Shamefully, the national statistic remains at approximately 90% of officers do not have Active Shooter vests.

5.)  Your company, InVest USA is a charitable organization that donates bulletproof vests to law enforcement and other first responders. Please tell us what you are doing to help our communities.

Answer: Serving as a national voice to protect those who protect us and raise funds and awareness for bulletproof vests for officers.

6.)  How may we learn more about InVest and help our police officers?

Answer: Go to InVestUSA.org for a listing of the many programs and suggestions you can participate in to support our first responders.

GUEST: Michael A Letts is the CEO and Founder of  In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.   


CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Michael Letts, contact Tamara Colbert at 626-244-5571 tamara@ohsweetliberty.com  or  Celinda Hawkins or Jerry McGlothlin at (432) 349 – 2736 or jerry.specialguests@gmail.com

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