Special Guests

Biden’s Misleading Prime Time Address Distorted Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity, Peddling Unwarranted Fear of Trump (Guest: Michael Letts)

Interview Opportunity with Michael Letts, Political Commentator and CEO of InVest USA

Proposed Introduction for Host:

“Joining us today is Michael Letts, a seasoned political commentator and CEO of InVest USA, to discuss his views on President Joe Biden’s recent prime-time address regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity. Michael will shed light on the implications of the ruling, Biden’s response, and the broader political context.”

Suggested Interview Questions:

1. Michael, can you summarize the key points of the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity and its significance?

2. How did President Biden’s address misrepresent the Supreme Court’s decision?

3. What do you believe were Biden’s motives behind presenting the ruling in this way?

4. Can you provide historical examples of how presidential immunity has been applied in past administrations?

5. Why is it important for the public to understand the difference between official acts and personal acts regarding presidential immunity?

6. In your opinion, what are the potential consequences of Biden’s speech on public perception and trust in the judicial system?

7. How does the concept of presidential immunity protect the executive branch’s ability to function?

8. What are the dangers of politicizing Supreme Court decisions, as seen in Biden’s address?

9. How does Biden’s portrayal of Trump in his address compare to his own administration’s actions that could fall under presidential immunity?

10. Can you explain how the burden of proof works in determining whether an act was official or personal?

11. What do you think is the impact of Biden’s speech on his re-election campaign?

12. How does Biden’s misrepresentation of the ruling affect his credibility and public trust?

13. Tell us about InVest USA and how you support law enforcement and other first responders.

14. How may we learn more and support InVest USA?

About Michael Letts…

Michael Letts is a political commentator and CEO of InVest USA, an organization that supports law enforcement officers. He is known for his insightful analysis and commitment to upholding democratic principles. Michael frequently provides expert commentary on political and legal matters, advocating for transparency and integrity in governance.

Media Contact:

Jerry McGlothlin

Phone: 919-437-0001

Email: jerry@specialguests.com

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