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Biden’s ‘Mass Amnesty’ Will Bring Disaster (By Michael Letts)

(Originally published in NewsMax.)

Over the past few months, the border crisis has grown increasingly worse.

Thousands of migrants have poured into the United States, creating problems in major cities like New York, Boston, and others.

But when it comes to a solution for this crisis, Joe Biden still doesn’t have any answers.

Now, however, it appears one is ominously coming into focus.

It’s not the one we really wanted.

A report in a recent edition of the New York Post revealed that the Biden administration is embarking on a program for migrants, encompassing “mass amnesty.”

According to the report, since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases have been filed by these migrants. However, the U.S. government has been closing them in droves, using the reasoning that the applicants didn’t have any sort of criminal record — meaning they aren’t a threat.

The cases are notably “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim,” and the administration’s group soundly removes them from the legal system, without any further reason to check in with authorities.

So that means they get sent back across the border and that’s that, correct?


The fact is, they’re allowed into the country — legally — in spite of a lack of thorough check of their background records.

Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge who now works for the Center of Immigration Studies, noted, “You’re basically allowing people who don’t have a right to be in the United States to be here indefinitely.”

That poses a gigantic problem. Because the Biden Administration doesn’t want to do the work to look over each of these individual cases, they’re essentially “giving up the ghost” and letting them in.

This is a huge downturn from when the Trump administration was working on migrant cases and issues.

When our nation’s 45th commander in chief was in charge, 48,000 migrants were ordered to be removed from the United States, by order of immigration court judges.

Keep in mind that those judges don’t even have a say in this matter, since it’s up to the Biden administration now.

What happened?

Did Biden simply shrug and assume everything was fine, as more migrants roam our city streets, potentially causing a huge uptick in crime?

Did he assume it was fine to not hire more U.S. Border Patrol officers, and continue to pick away at the ones who work tirelessly to keep our country safe?

Does that make sense?

Further statistics revealed by the report indicate that, since Biden took office a few years back, 77% of asylum seekers have been allowed to remain in the country.

His administration will likely insist that “criminal records” of illegal immigrants were tracked properly, and they have a good reason to be here.

But considering how uneasy everything is — and how much worse crime is getting — that isn’t exactly painting the situation in a positive light.

What’s worse, if we didn’t know about this report, this (“mass amnesty”) would’ve been going on right under our noses, without the public’s say on the matter.

Now that it’s exposed, there’s a very good chance this could cause some major electoral and legislative backlash against the Biden administration.

Considered in the context of Biden doing all he can to present himself as the “good guy” in the upcoming presidential election, this could actually wind up being a very major blemish.

So can anything resolve it?

Yes, but it’s a long shot.

Biden needs to accept responsibility and actually take control of our borders.

Have his teams do the homework and genuinely investigate these people further, before they simply waltz (unchecked) across our borders.

Just look at the example of toughness and a strong will as demonstrated by Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas.

He knows how to properly defend a border.

He’s doing a great job. Meanwhile our nation teeters on the brink of madness, if not implosion over illegal immigration.

It’s either that or, well, Biden will scramble to continue to keep up that good image as Trump builds up momentum for his own re-election.

Meanwhile, it’s abundantly clear Americans, myself included, have had enough of Biden’s habitual indolence.

Michael Letts is the Founder and CEO of In-Vest USA, a national grassroots nonprofit organization helping to re-fund police by contributing thousands of bulletproof vests for police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience. Read More Michael Letts reports — Here.

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