Special Guests

Biden Insults Christians by Making Sign of Cross at Abortion Rally (Guest: Rev. Jim Harden)

President Joe Biden made the Sign of the Cross at a pro-abortion rally Tuesday when Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Nikki Fried mentioned Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The sign, often used by Catholics for blessings, to ask forgiveness or for protection from temptation, was this time used as support for the killing of unborn children.

Biden claims to be Catholic, though he regularly violates the teachings of the church. He was in Florida pushing an amendment on the state ballot to allow late term abortions. 

Joining us now is Rev. Jim Harden, CEO for CompassCare, which runs several pregnancy centers across the United States. 

Welcome to the program, Jim.


1. Why do you suppose Biden did the Sign of the Cross when he did?

2. Should Catholics and other Christians be offended by this?

3. According to Pew Research, a slight majority of Catholics voted for Biden in 2020. Could this gesture damage his chances in 2024?

4. The media is painting abortion as damaging to the Republican party this year. Is that reality or wishful thinking?

5. Where are Americans on this issue?

6. Is it disturbing that this issue – the killing of the unborn – appears to be the subject around which Biden is pinning his hopes for re-election?

7. What is CompassCare seeing? Do your pregnancy centers find reason for optimism?

About James Harden

Rev. James Harden, a dedicated pro-life advocate and leader of CompassCare, is known for his outspoken views on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy. With a family of ten children and a strong moral compass, he believes in the adage, “Money follows morality.” Harden has been vocal about perceived corruption in federal law enforcement and public policy in post-Roe America. His predictions about the Dobbs decision in 2018 and the demise of the “Red Wave” in 2022 showcase his deep understanding of the political landscape.


For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Jerry McGlothlin at geraldmcg@outlook.com or 919-437-0001.

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