Special Guests

Author Mark Biltz Correctly Predicted Iran Would Attack Israel!

The Pastor and author discusses his latest book and how he foresaw what would happen in Israel this past week.

The world now knows that Iran launched a massive drone strike against Israel, although it was able to repel such attacks with the help of its Iron Dome defense. 

In his new book, America at War 2024-2026: The Sons of Darkness vs. The Sons of Light, author Mark Biltz actually predicted that such a fight would be initiated right after the solar eclipse that took place earlier this month – and indeed, that’s just how it unfolded.

Mark stated, “I documented six months ago, based on the prophecy in Chapter 10 of the book of Daniel, that Iran would attack Israel in the Hebrew months of Nisan 5784, or the Gregorian calendar of April 2024.” 

“Daniel’s vision of the End of days was of a great warfare happening between Iran and Israel during the month of Nisan! This battle is now happening during this month of Nisan. The recent missile strike could be the start of this prophetic war with Iran.” 

Mark joins us now to discuss his predictions, and what could possibly come next. Welcome, Mark!


  1. What kind of research did you put into your book America at War 2024-2026: The Sons of Darkness vs. The Sons of Light?
  2. How were you able to foresee what happened between Iran and Israel, as it occurred late last week?
  3. You noted how this could be the start of a “prophetic war,” perhaps the Isaiah 17 War or the Psalm 82 War. The Gog and Magog War and then Armageddon. Tell us more about these wars and which ones you believe the bible tells us will be between 2024 and 2026. 
  • Is there any way to avoid this? Or does it really depend on the actions of those in charge?
  • You discuss something called the Tribulation quite often. Tell us more about it, and when you think it might take place.
  • Your book will become available on April 22nd. How can people pre-order it?
  • We understand we can see your sermons live online. Where can those interested go for further information?

About Pastor Mark Biltz…

Pastor Mark Biltz is the founder and Senior Pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State. He is a well-known and popular speaker on the Feasts of the Lord and has authored four best-selling books and videos on the Feasts that have gone global. 

Mark Biltz has lectured at congregations and conferences all over the world including twelve countries on 5 continents. He’s been on the cover of several magazines and has been interviewed many times on national radio stations as well as appearing on several different television programs. 

Pastor Biltz has a local congregation in Washington State and live-streams their weekly service on their website at www.esm.us as well as on face-book and you-tube to over 200 cities from 20 nations. 


For further details or to arrange the interview, please contact Jerry McGlothlin at jerry@specialguests.com or 919-437-0001.

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