Special Guests

At a Time of Potential War, There May Be a Solution For Peace In Gaza (Guest: Jonathan Feldstein)

Author and the founder of Genesis 123 Foundation discusses what can be done to prevent a full-scale war between Israel and its enemies.

Based on fighting that has escalated just over this weekend, it appears the conflict between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah is on the verge of a full-scale war. Which begs the question – is there anything that can stop that?

Jonathan Feldstein believes so. The author and founder of the Genesis 123 Foundation has put together an innovative plan that’s gaining widespread interest:  Solution For Peace In Gaza. With it, he urges Christians to play a pivotal role in rebuilding  Gaza, to bring true peace. Making this all the more remarkable, Jonathan is an Orthodox Israeli Jew. 

“The Solution for Peace in Gaza, for the safety and well-being of Gazans and Israelis, is to overcome the genocidal anti-Israel ideology and give Gazans a vision of peace and coexistence through changing their hearts, showing then a better idea not rooted in hate and terror,” the website notes[רפ1] . 

“The actual Solution for Peace in Gaza requires an ‘army’ of Christians who will restore everything,” it notes[רפ2] . “Engineers, architects, and city planners. Medical personnel, nutritionists, and educators. People with backgrounds that can rebuild and create prosperity. Christians will succeed because they love Gazans and want to see them prosper, and reject the evil Islam represented by Hamas and Iran.”

Those interested in helping can visit the official website here.

Feldstein joins us now to discuss the situation further.


  1. At this point, is there any kind of sustainable peace that can be found between Israel and its enemies? Or will the situation get worse before it gets better?
  2. What prompted you to launch the Solution for Peace In Gaza?
  3. How has support for the program been thus far?
  4. What can those that register on the website expect? Will they be able to assist those in need at this time of potential war?
  5. What kind of casualties are we to expect if a full-scale war does take place? Is that why you’re pushing so hard for peace, especially as we near the one-year anniversary of Hamas’ brutal assault?
  6. We believe you recently discussed a Tanzanian Hamas terror victim that was recently laid to rest with comfort and support from Israel. Can you tell us more about him?
  7. Tell us about the Genesis 123 Foundation.
    1. It is a nonprofit whose mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful.
  8. Where may we find more information on the Genesis 123 Foundation?
    1. Answer: You can learn more at the official website at no, the website is www.Genesis123.co

About Jonathan Feldstein…

Jonathan lives in Israel and has two sons and son-in-law currently serving in the IDF. He has established The Israel Emergency Campaign through the Genesis 123 Foundation:
Israel has suffered barrages of thousands of rockets and missiles fired at Israeli communities creating death, damage, injuries, fear and trauma. The security threats, deaths, injuries, and trauma are at a level unseen in years. 

The Genesis 123 Foundation is standing in the gap to provide emergency needs including civilian security, soldiers’ welfare, those suffering trauma, people whose homes have been destroyed, and emergency medical needs. 
Every donation of any size makes a huge difference. www.genesis123.co

Jonathan Feldstein is president and founder of The Genesis 123 Foundation. Jonathan was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. 

Throughout his life and career, he has been blessed by the calling to fellowship with Christians to serve as a bridge between Jews and Christians and to help connect Christians to Israel in a meaningful way. 

CONTACT: Todd Baumann at 512-966-0983 or by email Jerry McGlothlin at bookings@specialguests.com.

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