Special Guests

AOC Furious “War Criminal” Netanyahu Invited to Address Congress (Guest: David Rubin)

Democrat representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, never one to miss a change to criticize Israel, is fuming that a bipartisan group in congress invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address congress. The always-angry AOC called Netanyahu a “war criminal” and said nothing of his battle against the terrorists who started this war.

AOC is demanding the Israeli Prime Minister’s invitation be revoked.  Her sentiments are backed by other antisemitic factions of the “squad” as well as other leftists Democrats who don’t appreciate Israel’s effort to destroy the terrorists who attacked them on October 7th.

Today, we have David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, an expert on Israeli politics and security, to discuss the end of the war cabinet and what it means going forward. 

Welcome, David.


1. How does it impact relations with Israel to have a member of the United States congress calling the Prime Minister – in the middle of a war against terrorists – a “war criminal”?

2. Has AOC or any members of the squad shown support for Israel?

3. Do you believe AOC represents a sizeable portion of the Democrats in congress?

4. Do you think AOC would say the same if her own country had been attacked on October 7th?

5. One Democrat complained that Netanyahu is “bombing indiscriminately in Gaza.” How is he wrong?

6. Do you believe Netanyahu is impacted by the left in America to ease up in this war?

7. What do you think he will say to congress when he does address them?

8. Tell us more about the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund and how it’s helping people right now.

9. Where can we learn more about the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, as well as what else you’re working on?

  1. a. You can visit the following websites:
 www.IsraelChildren.org (treating the victims of terror)
    1. www.DavidRubin.com  (to find out more about David’s many books)

    1. www.ConfrontingRadicals.com.

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and a noted author and speaker on Israeli politics and security. He is also the founder of the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, dedicated to healing the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks.

CONTACT: For interviews, contact Jerry McGlothlin, CEO of Special Guests at 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

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